Project #152: Equestria Girls

*You are in a courtroom where Nitsuj is on trial*   (Bailiff): All rise for the honorable Judge Sopa.   *Everyone rises as Judge Sopa enters the room and enters the judge’s box.*   (Sopa): Thank you. Please be seated. Today’s case is the Bronies vs Nitsuj of Project Nitsuj. Mr. Nitsuj please enter the […]

Project #151: Kiki’s Delivery Service

*The UPS man rings Nitsuj’s doorbell to deliver a package and walks away leaving the package on the doorstep. The door gets answered by Chibi Isis.*   (Chibi Isis): Thank you UPS-san.   *Chibi Isis takes the package in and opens it to reveal a DVD of Kiki’s Delivery Service. Excited by this Chibi Isis […]

Project #150: Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well it’s been a while since I reviewed a harem anime so let’s review one today. The question is which one? Chibi, please bring out the Wheel of Harem. *Chibi Isis brings out the Wheel of Harem* Thank you. Care to give it a spin? (Chibi Isis): Sure. Chibi Isis spins […]

Project #149: School Days

Hello and welcome Project Nitsuj. The time has come at last my friends to reveal the true definition of horror and this horror comes in the form of an anime by the name of School Days. While School Days isn’t necessarily a horror-based anime it’s so bad and such a pain to sit through that […]

Project #148: Tokyo Ghoul √A

(Seras): Hello, Seras here and welcome to Project Nitsuj. I’ve come once again to review Tokyo Ghoul where the second reason takes a huge detour from the original manga. The second season came out at the beginning of 2015 done again by Pierrot where instead of following the events of the manga the second season […]

Project #147: Tokyo Ghoul

(Nitsuj): Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Nitsuj here with this week’s guest host the sadistic but lovely Seras. (Seras): Hello everyone, it’s been a while since my last review but I will do my best. (Nitsuj): As you all know my house has been haunted by otaku’s from the 90s so the only way […]

Project #146: The Top 11 Evilest Anime Characters

*Nitsuj, the AI girls, and the Jack Bros. are all sitting in the living room listening to the Cybernetic ghost of Halloween Present from the future. Or Aqua as they like to call him ranting on about some ancient war that takes place in the far future between the otakus and bronies.* (Aqua): For you […]

Project #144: The Jackie Chan Adventures

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s Animation Bang time. When you think of martial artists who are the first people that come to your mind? For me it’s Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and of course Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan. Hands down one of the greatest action/comedy movie stars to ever […]