Project #123: The Top 11 Wimpiest Anime Characters

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about anime characters. Anime has provided us with a lot of cool, badass, ecchi, bland, and scary characters that we all enjoy. But for some anime out there there’s always one character in particular that you just can’t stand who gets on your nerves and drags the […]

Project #122: Outbreak Company

(Nitsuj): Yin-Yang are you finish dressing yet?   (Yin-Yang): Almost.   (Nitsuj): Good, when you finish be a good maid and bring me a glass of water as I get ready for the review. Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about the otaku culture. Here in America the otaku culture is widely accepted […]

Project #121: Walkure Romanze

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. You know, I don’t review enough hentai on this show. Keep your pants on! You know my rules, I will not review hentai no matter how much you guys begs me. However, I will review an anime based off a hentai that’s why today I’m looking at Walkure Romanze. […]

Project #120: Inukami Part 2

(Yin-Yang): Hello! Welcome to Project Nitsuj and welcome to the second part of my birthday bash review. Today we’re continuing are talk of Inukami and wrapping it up with style. (Nitsuj): Let’s get this party started and continue looking at Inukami.   Episodes 14-18   (Nitsuj): In episode 14 we find out that because Keita […]

Project#119: Inukami Part 1

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well guys today is a special day. No not because it’s April 1st but because today is Yin-Yang’s birthday. *Yin-Yang jumps out as streamers fall from the ceiling* (Yin-Yang): Yeah! (Nitsuj): Happy birthday Yin-Yang. So as a birthday present (and under contract obligation) I’m letting Yin-Yang be my guest […]

Project #118: Grisaia no Kajitsu

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well seeing as how my lovely assistants decided to do a review on a visual novel for girls last week how about I do a review on a visual novel for boys. All I need to do is find one to review. Hmm~, oh wait, the spring anime of […]

Project #116: Maken-Ki 2

Well, you read the title. You know what’s going on. Maken-Ki fucking 2. Of all the animes out there that deserve a second season, Hidan no Aria, Omamori Himari, Deadman Wonderland, Campione the list goes on its fucking Maken-Ki that gets a second season. The first season wasn’t even that popular with its target audience […]

Project #115: Campione

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. In this world we have a lot of religions and mythological beliefs that people believe. So one has to wonder what would happen if these mythological beings were real and someone killed one of them. Well one guess is you would get Campione. Campione is an interesting story which […]

Project #114: Kenzen Robo Daimidaler

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. You know I take my reviews very seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I have fun writing these blogs and watching anime but at the same time I want to give you guys a serious insight into the anime I’m reviewing. So what do you when you watch an anime […]