Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Let’s talk about virtual idols. Getting their start back in 2007 the virtual idol blurred the line between what’s real and imaginary. These idols are completely computer generated idols that have anime like appearances, are designed to move and talk realistically, and have become a part of the otaku […]
Tag Archives: Nitsuj
Project #18: AKB0048 Next Stage
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s time for the second installment of the Idol arc. As you all know last week I reviewed AKB0048, the anime based off the popular pop group AKB48. I praised the anime for its excellent story, songs, and characters and even gave it the covenant must watch stamp of […]
Project #17.5: American Idols vs Japanese Idols
Hey guys, Nitsuj here and welcome to another side blog the blogs between the blogs. Since we just started the idol arc I thought it be a good idea to explore the differences between an American idol and Japanese idol. In life no matter where you go you will see that a country has a […]
Project #17: AKB0048
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj and welcome to the first installment into what I like to call the Idol arc. Throughout the month of May I’ll be reviewing anime’s that center on idols and dive a little into the history of idols. With that being said let’s take a look at a personal favorite […]
Project #16: The Top 11 Anime Endings
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Remember last week how I said I was a fan of opening songs? Well, I’m also a fan of ending songs as well. Unlike opening songs, ending songs make you feel a sense of sadness that the episode has ended saying that they wish they could have shown you […]
Project #15: The Top 11 Anime Openings
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well, there’s no doubt about it I love music, music adds so much to a scene. And the one thing I look forward to in any anime is the opening song. The opening song adds so much to an anime, it gets you pumped and excited for the show […]
Project #14: Omamori Himari
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. You know, I’ve always considered myself to be a dog person. Their loyal, obedient, trustworthy, protective, easy to take care of, and always there when you need them. However, if cats were like the cat in today’s anime I would gladly adopt a box of them in a second. […]
Project #13: IS (Infinite Stratos)
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while now you’ve probably noticed I haven’t reviewed a mecha anime yet and the reason for that is quite simple. You see a long time ago I came to the conclusion that pretty much all mecha anime have the same story. […]
Project #12: Fairy Tail The Phoenix Priestess
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. It’s movie time again and this week we’re going be looking at Fairy Tail. A little back story about this series; for those of you who don’t know Fairy Tail is a manga written by Hiro Mashima the same guy who wrote the Rave Master series. After Rave Master […]
Project #11: Hidan no Aria/ Aria the Scartlet Ammo
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. I gotta be honest, growing up I never was a big fan of spy movies like James Bond. It’s not that I didn’t like them, they just never caught my interest, I was more into martial arts and comedy movies as a kid and to this day I still […]