Project #358: RWBY Volume 6

Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Okay, I know the first episode just aired but we’re doing this, I’m RWBY volume 6. After the disaster that was the 5th volume, fan support was starting to dwindle. However, fans kept the faith and hoped that they would turn it around in the 6th volume and did they? Yes and no. What do I mean by that? Well there’s only one way to find out. Let’s take a look at RWBY Volume 6.

Opening and Ending Theme

The opening this time is “Rising” by Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams. Once again a good song, I like it a lot more than the previous one. What really makes this opening stand out is how the animation flows perfectly with the song and how there’s so many things we don’t know when we first see it such as a woman staring at a statue, A mysterious robed figured, all these men appearing before Ozpin, and Jaune just straight up attacking Oscar. The opening just kept me asking questions and as the volume progress I kept coming back to the opening and saying ‘ah’ as everything was starting to make sense. As for the ending, just like the previous volumes, the ending is just showcase of the artwork and the soundtrack throughout the volume.

Episodes 1-4

So right away the season starts off on a high note with team RWBY and JNPR (minus the P unfortunately. (Seras): You’re still sad about that? (Nitsuj): Yes!) having a train fight against the Grimm (and already this season has more action and suspense than the last season). We go back a few hours where we get a narration from Qrow. 2 weeks have passed since the end of the last season and the group is on their way to Atlas to meet up with Ironwood. In order to get there, they’re taking a train to Argus the northern coastline where they’ll be a short distance away from Atlas (scene here: Unfortunately (for some), Sun will not be joining them on their trip and will instead be rejoining his team so Blake bids him farewell with a nice kiss on the cheek (he’s earned it. Maybe next time he can make her meow). They take off on their train where it gets attacked by the Grimm in the form of griffons. This leads us to the fight we saw at the beginning of the episode where they enter a cave buying them time to come up with a plan to save the train (scene here: They decide to use Ren’s semblance to hide the presence of everyone however team RWBY, Qrow, and Oscar will have to stay behind and separate from the others because the Grimm are attracted to the Relic (all the more reason to learn what these things are). So, they move all the passengers to the front of the train and cut the line leaving Team RWBY, Qrow, and Oscar to fight the Grimm where they manage to kill their leader, but the train goes off the rails stranding our heroes in the snowy mountains of Grimm territory with an old lady.

Episode 2 starts off with us seeing that Cinder survived her fight with Raven (clever girl) and now she’s on the hunt to find Ruby and the others (give her credit, she’s dedicated to her mission). She goes to see a woman know as Malachite who pretty much controls the information network in Minstral (she has a southern accent and thing for spiders). We then cut to the group making plans to go to Atlas where Ozpin tells them what the Relic they have does (finally, answers to questions we’ve had for 3 seasons now). The Relic that they have is called the Relic of Knowledge which can answer any question asked of it (interesting. What’s the catch?). However, the Relic can’t answer questions to events that haven’t happened yet and will only answer 3 questions every 100 years (what a lazy relic). Back in the present, we find out that the old lady is Maria who is blind and can only see with the help of her goggles. As everyone walks through the snow Ozpin’s trust is called into question again (the man has trust issues, what did you expect?). Oscar manages to tell them how to activate the Relic and they summon the spirit of the Relic, Jinn (a way hotter version of Genie). She tells the group that they may ask her 2 questions (Corbin: First question, I saw you and I have a raging boner. Would you please help me? (Jinn): Yes. (Corbin): I figured you say no-wait, did you say yes? (Jinn): I don’t see why not. (Corbin): You’re serious? Thank you, God!) so Ruby asks her what Ozpin is hiding from them. The group suddenly gets transported to a closed off world where they’ll see the past of Ozpin and the first thing they see is Salem as a gorgeous woman.

Answers to Ozpin’s past finally come to light in episode 3 (if I’m being honest, this might just be the best episode in the entire series so far). We start with Salem (in a time where magic ruled and weapons turning into guns was just a dream) where we see as a young woman she was locked away from the world by her cruel father who was a king (her beauty was too much for the world to handle). Then one day a young and brave hero named Ozma (aka Ozpin. I like Ozpin more. Good name change) came to her rescue and gave her freedom where (to no one’s surprise) they fell in love (and lived happily ever after. . .not~). The two would go on many adventures but unfortunately Ozma would die from a disease (the plot device sickness. Killing off characters for the sake of the plot. Cure, unknown). Heartbroken by losing the love of her life and seeing this as unfair, Salem went to the God of Light (who has the body of Adonis with antlers. This is one unique interpretation of God) and begged him to revive Ozma but he said no as that would disrupt the balance of life and death (she should have asked the dragon for help). Since the God of Light didn’t help, she goes to the God of Darkness for help and he brings back Ozma only for the God of Light to show up and kill him again where he’s immediately revived by the God of Darkness (stop playing with the man’s life). Once the God of Light reveals how Salem came to him for help first, the God of Darkness now sees the blunder he made and kills Ozma (what is this, the comic where Joker becomes God and kills Batman over and over again?). As for Salem’s punishment, she becomes immortal where she can never be reunited with Ozma until she learns the importance of life and death (this punishment is stupid. Why make someone who pissed off at you immortal? She’s not gonna learn anything, she’s just gonna devote her time to getting revenge and keep throwing a tantrum until she gets what she wants). Sure enough, Salem devotes her time to swaying the hearts of man and turning them against the gods where she succeeds, and the armies of the world attack the gods and fail (well this was a bad idea. (Isis): You think? (Nitsuj): Yes. Do you? (Isis):. . .I have no retort. (Nitsuj): If you’re gonna punch the master you better make sure he goes down). The God of Darkness pulls a Thanos and kills everyone on the planet leaving only Salem and then the gods abandon this world with the God of Darkness destroying half the moon (well that answers my question I’ve been having all these years). So Salem found herself alone once again, forced to walk the lands with death nowhere in sight until she got the idea to throw herself into the pool of Grimm to end it all (because her ideas so far have worked out so well. I’m sure this idea will work out fine as well). Sure enough, the pool of Grimm can’t kill her and instead transforms Salem into the monster we see now (when she entered the pool, she was a dream. When she left the pool, she became a nightmare). Ozma meets the God of Light who gives Ozma the chance to return to the world saying that it will soon be re-populated, and humanity will need a leader to lead them down the right path. He gives Ozma the 4 Relics saying that when they are combined, they’ll summon back the gods who will pass judgement on this world and decide if humanity is worth saving or not. If it is, the gods will come to live among them again. But if not, they’ll destroy the world completely this time ( Ozma will be cursed with reincarnation and will keep being reincarnated until this task is complete (what the hell, you make the person who despises you immortal and curse the man you want to fix everything? What is your mindset? Just kill Salem and this whole mess can be solved). Ozma accepts this task and gets reincarnated into the world where the world he once knew is no more as magic can no longer be used, the world is at war with the Grimm, and Faunuses are mistreated (Mira: Yeah, where did the Fauneses come from anyway? (Nitsuj): I imagine they’re the result of an experiment gone wrong from scientists who were trying to create furries for. . .science. (Mira): You sincerely believe that or are you just spewing crazy fan theories? (Nitsuj): A little of column A, a little of column B. Tomato, tomacco). Ozma did manage to find Salem where Salem didn’t tell Ozma about how she fought the gods (again, her ideas have been great haven’t they?) and Ozma didn’t tell Salem about the Relics or his task (a relationship built on secrets and lies. Sounds like online dating). Salem convinced Ozma that they should become the gods of this new world and he goes along with it ( Ozma, I know it’s been a while, but can you try to think with your brain instead of your penis?). The people began to worship them, and Salem gave birth to 4 lovely daughters (who thankfully inherited their father’s genes) who could use magic as well (hello, future maidens). Ozma finally tells Salem everything about the Relics and the day of judgement (as well as that week in Maui) but Salem says to just ignore that and instead become the new god of this world, destroying anyone who opposes them. Ozma finally sees Salem for what she really is (finally thinking with his brain) and tries to escape with his daughters but gets caught by Salem (Ozma: Honey, I think we need some time apart. By time apart I mean I want a divorce. Taking the kids) and a fight erupts between the two (no different than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce). Ozma gets beaten and a long cycle of reincarnation began with him spending some lives mourning or trying to forget his past but no matter where he went Salem’s presence and suffering could be felt. Ozma soon realized the only way to save humanity was to kill Salem and believe he could do so with the power of the Relics. He found the Relic of Knowledge and used it to find the location of the other Relics as well as what their powers were. He also asked how he could destroy Salem and found out he can’t (so just like with Walmart, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Discord they have to find a way to coexist with the nightmare or seal it).

In episode 4 after finding out everything they’re all pissed at Ozpin for leaving them out of so much stuff (I be mad too, they’re pretty much caught in the middle of a lover’s quarrel. Actually, some people have called the cast selfish for turning on Ozpin after seeing his past and everything but for one-minute let’s try putting ourselves in the shoes of Ruby and the others and see things from their perspective. These guys are risky their lives to save the world believing that what they’re doing is right and will bring peace to mankind. However, Ozpin, the man that they are following and swore to help has been withholding crucial information from them showing us and them that he doesn’t trust them fully. Not only that, but he’s leading them on a wild goose chase where he has no plan or knowledge to defeat Salem. Now granted, this is all heavy stuff to take in and I feel bad for Ozpin and Salem but don’t you think that if you’re risking your life and putting all your trust in Ozpin the least he can do is show you the same amount of trust and tell you everything? The point is, is that it’s easy for us the 3rd party to find fault in Ruby and the other’s actions but once you put yourself in the shoes of the party being effective by all of this information you can understand why Ruby and the others are acting the way they’re acting). When Ozpin reveals he has no plan on how to stop Salem, Qrow just straight up punches him saying how meeting him was his worst luck (well on the bright side, you gained the power to turn into a bird. I mean, that’s gotta help you save on travel expenses). Ozpin soon retreats into the mind of Oscar and severs his connection meaning he’s essentially gone (coward! Get back here and face your wife). As everyone begins to panic, Maria calms everyone down and tells them they need to find shelter before night falls and they all freeze to death (or worse, attract the Grimm with all their negativity). Meanwhile, Mercury, Emerald, and Hazal to return to Salem where they report their failure and drop the bomb that Ozpin is leading the group (Salem’s response is appropriate). Back with Ruby and the others, they make it to an abandoned farm and decide to rest there for the night (I do hope nothing comes to haunt them at night. I also hope this place has working electricity).

Episodes 5-8

At the start of episode 5 Malachite tells Cinder where Ruby and the others are heading and we get the return of a fan favorite character, Neo (our only tie to Roman). She attacks Cinder blaming her for the death of Roman (no~ that was the Grimm, south of here) and we get an honestly good and fast-paced fight scene as Neo is able to hold her own against Cinder (granted she’s not doing a lot of damage and Cinder is still recovering from her fight with Raven but Neo’s skills are not to be overlooked). They take their fight into the streets where Cinder is able to calm Neo down and get her to realize that Ruby is the one they should fighting so they call a temporary truce to find Ruby and make her pay (scene here:, how can one girl have so many people out to kill her?). Back with Ruby and the others, they manage to get in to one of the houses where they can’t help but shake the fact that this place is creepy (it’s an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere. If a Grimm with chainsaws for arms pops out and starts attacking people I will not be surprised). The creepy factor goes up a notch when they discover dead bodies in the bedroom (well that’s unsettling. Upside, we found firewood. (Yume): This doesn’t faze you at all? (Yume): Yume, I have watched animes which showed a vampire mutilate other humans like nothing, a hoard of zombies maul through a mob of people, giants eat humans whole, and goblins mercilessly rape and break women. I’ve become desensitized to shocking imagery that a bunch of dead bodies in a bed isn’t enough to get a rise out of me at all. Disturbing? Yes. Enough to turn me away? Given the stuff that I’ve seen in the past, hell no). Qrow checks the other houses where it’s the same thing and Weiss thinks they should leave but with a storm outside they wouldn’t last long. They decide to do another sweep of the grounds where Yang and Blake find a wagon and we see that Yang is still haunted mentally by Adam. Blake manages to calm Yang down as she herself is no stranger to Adam’s mind games (in a way, it’s like watching two people try to help each other after both suffering from an abusive relationship) but makes a mistake by saying she’ll protect Yang which Yang doesn’t like (Yang’s not the kind of girl who wants to be protected. As a big sister she feels that it’s her duty to protect others and sees being protected as a sign of weakness and she doesn’t want to feel weak ever again). Ruby and Weiss manage to find the liquor room (well I’m sure this’ll be Qrow’s favorite room) as well as food but unbeknownst to them something is sealed away beneath the house.

Episode 6 is nothing short of a horror movie. As the group is getting ready to set out they begin to just give up and want to quit (nobody quits! (Yin-Yang): Said the man who tried to impale himself twice when watching Xtreme Xecutor. (Nitsuj): Yeah, but I finished it and I’m still here right?). Ruby accidently drops the lamp into the well and goes down with Weiss, Blake, and Yang to retrieve it. They find the lamp but also find the SOULS FROM HELL COMING TO KILL THEM! No joke, the well is filled with some of the scariest Grimm we have seen. They’re called the Apathy, they’re not strong or fast but they are dangerous (and scary as hell). They drain the will power of people to make them weak (well that explains why everyone was on edge and ready to give up) and then kill them. The leader of the settlement wanted to save money on hiring huntsmen and huntresses but since the Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, the leader had to make sure everyone would stay calm. So, he went out and caught 2 Apathies and stuck them in the waterworks where everyone would get a dose of apathy to keep their emotions in check (it’s like getting high off your ass in the worst way possible). Unfortunately for him the rest of the Apathy followed him back to the settlement, found their way into the waterworks and before long everyone was drained of their will power and eventually died. The group tries to escape them through the waterworks but the Apathy continues to drain them of their will power. Maria finds them and tries to will them on but it’s no good and they become surrounded (it’s like the Living Dead only cooler and scarier). Just when it seems like things are lost, Maria helps Ruby activate her silver eyes and she fries the Grimm (go back to the shadows). With the Apathy gone, they manage to come out of the waterworks and back into the house where Weiss lights the place on fire (kill them with fire) and they escape. They all apologize for their behavior and Maria reveals to everyone that she too used to have silver eyes.

Episode 7 starts with Cinder and Neo forming a partnership. Neo will help Cinder get into Atlas and in return Neo gets to kill Ruby (fair trade). After that, we learn that in the past Maria was a legendary huntress known as the Grim Reaper, whose stories were so famous and inspiring that Qrow actually based his weapon off of her own weapon which was dual scythes (and his weapon would go on to inspire Ruby’s weapon). One day however, Salem hired a group of mercenaries to kill Maria because of her silver eyes. Maria fought hard and won but, in the process, went blind and went into hiding never to be seen again (scene here: Even when she got her surgery, she was still too afraid to fight out of fear that more people would come after her. The group finally arrives in the city of Argus (things are finally looking up for them) and reunite with Jaune and the others who are staying with Jaune’s sister Saphron who is married, has a child, and is a lesbian (yep, we actually get to meet our first gay couple in the series). Now some people have found this couple to be forced, pandering to the male audience, or was introduced for no rhyme or reason but I honestly don’t see it. For starters, the whole reveal is kind of subtle. Saphron’s wife just comes home from a day at work, meets everyone, and that’s it. There’s no big reveal or shock expressions. Second, how is this pandering to the male audience? Because it’s two women instead of two men? By that logic, if they introduced two males as being married than it would have been pandering to the female audience. Just because I’m a male doesn’t mean I’m going to favor female couples over male couples. I have nothing against same-sex marriage or any couples regardless of their gender. Third, there is a good reason for this to be introduced. It expands on the world of RWBY as well as gives us insight into Jaune’s family. Ruby and everyone’s reactions to Saphron’s wife isn’t of shock or disbelief, it’s all seen as a normal thing, showing us that same-sex marriage is not only a thing in this world, but it’s accepted and respected as well. Finally, we get to meet a member of Jaune’s family. Jaune was the youngest of his siblings who are all girls and we’re told that Jaune and Saphron were the only ones of their siblings who left home, showing us how not only are these two more independent than their siblings but are probably a lot closer to each other as a result of it which would explain why she’s okay with allowing Jaune and the others to stay at her house rent free. Anyway, getting back to the story, Jaune reveals to Ruby and the others that the Atlas military has shut their borders down (because Ironwood is an idiot) and refuses to see them which means they’re stuck in Argus.

In episode 8 the group meets Caroline the officer in charge of Argus and an enemy of Maria (I really don’t know whether to think of her as the Ben Kenobi or Han Solo of this series). She says she’ll let Weiss through to rejoin her family (and we all know how great that life was) but the others will have to stay behind. Weiss refuses and the others refuse to give Weiss up so their business is done there for the time being. Ruby tells Jaune, Nora, and Ren the story of Ozpin (and let them know that they’re basically in a lover’s quarrel) where their reaction is a repeat of everyone else’s only worse as they lost someone close to them in this great battle. They all decide to give each other space where Ruby goes out in the garden and talks with Maria about how to use the silver eyes. Their talk is interesting as we learn that their power comes from the God of Light and can only be activated when Grimm are around so for now Ruby has to train herself to be in a state of mind where she can use her eyes should the need arrive. We also learn a little bit more about Maria such as she was trained by her father, didn’t really go to any fancy academies like the others, and her semblance is enhanced reflexes where she can even predict the moves of her opponents (combine that with her training and silver eyes and you have yourself one badass huntress). The episode ends with Oscar disappearing on them.

Episodes 9-13

Episode 9 starts off with Emerald and Mercury where Emerald starts to question what they’re doing and seems like she’s looking for some sentimental comfort (you choose the wrong person to confine in). Mercury of course doesn’t get where she’s coming from. He had a dad who hated him, trained him to be nothing but a killer, abused him, and has lived his life knowing nothing but pain and hatred. When Mercury points out that Cinder never cared about him or Mercury, the two begin to fight each other until Tyrian comes in and tells them to just do what makes them happy. We then cut back to Argus where everyone is looking for Oscar and focus mostly on Jaune where he blames himself for Oscar disappearing. He goes to a park where he sees a statue of Pyrrha which was made in honor of her death (I feel like there should be more flowers here). A woman comes to lay flowers by the statue (I’m just going to assume she’s related to Pyrrha in some way. Red hair, green eyes, obvious family member is obvious) where the show tries to justify Pyrrha’s death by saying she had a responsibility as a huntress to try and stop Cinder even if that meant she was going to die (that’s what they’re trying to say but their wording could have been better). After that talk, Ren and Nora reunite with Jaune where he apologizes for being a lousy leader but they stop him and tell him to stop badmouthing himself. Yes, they’re sad Pyrrha is gone (and yes, she was the better fighter) but just like they cared for Pyrrha they also care for Jaune just as much and don’t want to lose him. They all decide to follow her example and continue on with Ruby and the others on their journey to Atlas. They all return to Saphron’s house where Qrow is passed out drunk on the stairs (well this is embarrassing. We should probably stage an intervention) and Oscar is there as well (sporting some new clothes and everything. Looking good). Oscar says he also wants to continue the journey and Jaune has a plan to get them into Atlas, stealing an Atlas airship (that plan is dangerous, reckless, stupid and suicidal. Let’s do it).

In episode 10, the group gets to work putting Jaune’s plan into action. Weiss agrees to go back to Atlas and boards an airship with Maria in her luggage. She knocks out the guards and Maria pilots the ship to make a u-turn and pick up the others. Back on the ground, Yang and Blake are in charge of taking out the communication tower so Caroline won’t spot Weiss and Maria on the return (this is actually a pretty good plan). Blake goes to take it out all by herself but something happens which stops her from taking out the tower and Caroline finds out Maria and Weiss tricked them (not that it was hard or anything). Caroline retaliates by unleashing a giant mecha to take them down and Ruby and the others prepare to fight. Back at the communication tower, we see Blake fighting against Adam who’s been watching her this whole time (girls hate guys who are too clingy Adam) and waiting for her to be alone just so he can exact his revenge on her (dude, leave her alone, she’s into monkeys). While Blake puts up a good fight, there’s a part of her that’s still scared of him and is holding her back.

We get some action in episode 11 as Ruby and the gang take on Caroline and her giant mech. Everyone gets their chance to show off here as they try a bunch of different tactics to take down the mech but everything they try; Caroline’s stubbornness is there to cut their momentum (too bad Yang’s not here. She could just punch it down like she did Roman’s mech). But the real action and story is with Blake and Adam (bay bay. Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Look up Adam Cole to get the reference) as the two continue to fight throughout the forest in some fast-paced back and forth action between the 2-exs (the fallout of a break-up is never pretty). We actually do get to see Adam’s full face which is quite horrify if I’m be honest. He’s got this nasty scar over one of his eyes (now I’m even more curious about his past. I wanna know what kind of sick-demented bastard did that to him). Yang manages to find them and takes over for Blake where even though she’s still a little scared, she’s able to hold her own against Adam and end the episode on the cringiest of lines (you just know that left the writing room in a hurry).

The action continues in episode 12 as Ruby and the others finally immobilize Caroline. Ruby gets up close and personal to her cannon and fires a shot inside of it (scene here: Back with Blake and Yang they double team Adam (it is not what you think it means. Although I’m sure some of you wish it was) where Yang manages to catch his sword with one hand (badass), punch him in the gut, and toss the sword over the cliff. Blake and Yang both stab Adam in the chest and he falls over the cliff presumably dead (scene here: I highly doubt that. Cliffs are terrible at killing people in this world). Just when things are looking up for the group, Argus gets invaded by Grimm from the sky and by Grimmzilla from the sea.

In the final episode of the volume, Ruby decides to use her silver eyes to stop Grimmzilla from destroying Argus. She goes out to face it thinking about her friends but she doesn’t have enough time as Grimmzilla is about to eat her (she will taste like rose petals). In the moment of fear, she calls for Jinn which allows time to stop and she gives her a pass this one time (very smart, original, and cool. . .DON’T DO IT AGAIN). With more time she uses this to gather her thoughts where we even get to see her mom’s face (she takes after mom very well) and she finally unleashes her powers and immobilizes Grimmzilla. . .but only for a moment. It turns out she wasn’t strong enough to petrify it entirely and it breaks loose. Luckily, Caroline shows and uses her drill hand to destroy it (this drill is the drill that pierces the Grimm. Who the hell do you think we are?). With Grimmzilla gone Argus is safe and Caroline allows them to go to Atlas. As they fly through the air and reflect on everything that’s happened (this was one hell of a season) they arrive at Atlas where they see the air fleet in the sky looking like they’re ready for war. After the credits we see Salem creating an army of Grimm meaning she’s planning on heading out herself real soon.

Final Thoughts

Wow. . .they actually turned it around. No joke, this volume was a great improvement over the previous volume. This volume delivered on the story, music, humor, visuals and a little bit on character development and action. The story of Ozpin and Salem’s past was both tragic and informative. We finally get an idea of what’s going on, what’s at stake here, who these characters are, what motivates them, and what they’re trying to accomplish. While on the surface we’re stuck in a lover’s quarrel, at it’s core it’s a battle to decide the fate of the world. Is this world worth saving or would it be better to end it all? It was nice to see Jaune’s arc of him coming to terms with Pyrrha’s death and receiving support from Ren and Nora. Sadly, this arc was handled better than the arc of Blake, Yang, and Adam. The arc of Blake, Yang, and Adam was done very poorly and led to a dissatisfying conclusion. It was also nice to see Neo again and Maria was a nice character as well. I like how she’s full of wisdom but at the same time a rebellious woman at heart.

Visually, the show still looks good in my opinion and the Grimm were quite terrifying. Seriously, the Apathy scared the hell out of me the first time I saw them and the Grimzilla was a good shout out to Godzilla. The action was a major improvement over the last season. While it’s still not on par with the first 3 seasons, it managed to capture that magic, flow, and excitement we liked. The music of course is always top notched in this show and Jeff Smith delivers again this volume.

Final Score

The final score for this volume is a 7.5/10. While I wanted to see more character development and think some arcs could have been done a little better, I enjoyed this volume a lot more than the last volume and looking forward to what happens in Atlas as I just have a feeling something big is going to happen. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.

*All videos, clips, and music are not owned by me and belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved*

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