Project #429: The Misfit of Demon Academy

(Seras): Hello. I’m Seras, this is Shizuku and welcome to Project Nitsuj.

(Shizuku): Boss is taking his scripted week off allowing us, the AI girls, to take over and we’ve got a very funny anime to watch this week.

(Seras): Yes, one filled with an OP character and a good amount of carnage, Maō Gakuin no Futekigōsha. Better known by its English name: The Misfit of Demon Academy, this series follows the trend that a lot of fantasy-based novels seem to focusing on these days, the demon lord. Exploring their characters, showing how we the viewer can relate to them, and a new side to them besides being the big baddie at the end.

(Shizuku): The series was written by Shu (he is too cool for last names) in 2018 and still continuing to this day. The series would focus on the demon lord being reincarnated and his people not accepting them because he was born in a common family instead of a noble family. Despite the series being young it quickly gained a following, so much so that the anime was produced in 2020 by Silver Link (Baka and Test).

(Seras): Yeah, around this time Silver Link was in the middle of their fantasy world phase. It started 2019 and is still continuing to this day. Some of these fantasies were good and some were of course bad, I’m sure Nitsuj will cover them down the line. Where does this series fit in? Well lets get ready to cause trouble in school. This is The Misfit of Demon Academy.

Opening and Ending Theme

(Seras): For the opening we have “Seikai Fuseikai” by CIVILIAN. While the singer and visuals are good the instrumental just sounds, so generic to me. Like I feel like I’ve heard this instrumental in other songs in other rock songs. It really brings down the song for me.

(Shizuku): The ending is “Hamidashimono” by Tomori Kusunoki. The song is pretty good. At first I didn’t really care for it, but it started to grow on me the more I listened to it. The like beginning of the song with the piano and Tomori is really on note this song. I like how the song paints this dark picture in our mind while also being a song of perseverance and working to achieve your goals no matter what or who stands in your way.    

Episodes 1-4

(Seras): So the anime starts off by talking about the demon king Anos voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Ban from Nanatsu no Taizai) who defeated everyone and everything in his path including gods (my kind of guy. (Shizuku): Figures). Anos pretty much ruled the world until one day he died but he vowed to reincarnate in the future and bring glory back to the demon race. 2,000 years later and a girl named Misha voiced by Tomori Kusunoki, is about to take the entrance exam for a prestigious demon academy where one of the new students is believed to be the reincarnation of Anos. As she enters the academy, she meets a mysterious boy who is also applying and the two quickly seem to hit it off quite well (Shizuku: Hard to tell really seeing as how Misha is quite the kuudere). As they enter the academy, they get picked on by a demon noble named Zepes who tries to flaunt his superiority over them only to get embarrassed by the mysterious boy (I think we found the reincarnation of Anos). In the mysterious boy’s exam, he has to fight against Zepes where in a pretty brutal and badass moment he beats Zepes with just the beats from his heart. If that wasn’t brutal enough, he then kills Zepes only to bring him back to life and kill him again and again until he finally admits defeat (scene here: I think I may have just found my new favorite MC. (Shizuku): What about Ains, Alucard, Dante, and Hajime? (Seras): How did you know about my harem? (Shizuku): . . .You have strange taste in men). After a few more tests, the mysterious boy and Misha are accepted into the academy and the mysterious boy invites Misha back to his home to celebrate their acceptance. We get to meet the mysterious boy’s parents who are just unbelievably adorable (Shizuku: I love them. (Seras): Me too. I wish they were my parents) and quickly jump to the conclusion that their son is dating Misha (scene here: After diner, the mysterious boy walks Misha home where they get attacked by the older brother of Zepes who seeks revenge for the humiliation bought on by Zepes. Apparently, in this world demons of noble blood are forbidden to lose to demons of common birth, so they plan to kill the mysterious boy. Zepes’s brother kills Zepes for embarrassing the family (Shizuku: Stupid brother. You made me look bad) and then tries to kill the mysterious boy only to fail miserably (who’s the embarrassing one now fool?). The mysterious boy resurrects Zepes as a zombie and has him fight his older brother where the two wind up killing each other. Once the fight is over, the mysterious boy resurrects the both of them and reveals himself to be Anos the Demon King of Tyranny (scene here:     

Episode 2 starts off with a flashback into the Mythical era where Anos reigned supreme. In the opening he gets confronted by the hero Kanon and his party where Anos says he wants peace but he knows that humans will keep attacking demons and other species even after he dies (because humans are determined to show they’re the superior species in the world). This leads to Anos proposing a deal that will make everyone happy and allow peace to set in. He’ll die and using his powers he will isolate all the species from one another to snuff out war and install walls that won’t open for 1,000 years. While Anos won’t be completely wiped out it’ll take him 2,000 years to be reincarnated. Kanon takes Anos up on his offer (best deal between a hero and demon king I’ve ever seen) and kills Anos where they promise that if they should ever meet again in the future, they’ll be friends. 2,000 years later, Anos gets reincarnated (Shizuku: It’s a healthy demon king, congratulations) and sped up his growth within the first month of his birth so that he could attend school. Returning to the present, Anos gets ranked as misfit meaning that the school thinks he’s unfit to be the demon king (Shizuku: Hey, they’re all jealous). As if that wasn’t insulting enough, he finds out that for the past 2,000 years they got his name wrong. Instead of being Anos its Avos (man I would be pissed if they messed up my name after all the achievements and mayhem I’ve caused). Once class begins the teacher announces that she’s going to split the students into teams and anyone who wants to be a leader can volunteer. The first one to volunteer is Sasha voiced by Yuko Natsuyoshi, a noble-blooded demon who just happens to be Misha’s sister. Anos also volunteers to be a leader but is told only nobles are allowed to leaders. He proves he’s worthy of candidacy by fixing up a magical circle and putting his enrollment on the line. The students are told to choose the leader they which to serve under and a majority of them choose Sasha or the third leader (who’s so insignificant they don’t bother naming them). Misha joins Anos’s team and we see that the relationship between Sasha and her is bad. In Sasha’s eyes Misha is nothing more than a doll and she tries to prove her superiority over Anos by using her demonic eyes but that backfires (scene here: (Shizuku): Know your place thot). After school Sasha challenges Anos to a duel in one week’s time saying that if she wins Anos will become her servant and if he wins Sasha has to join his team. A week passes where its Anos’s team vs Sasha’s team where it goes about as well as you would expect. Anos literally lifts up her castle and tosses it like nothing (scene here:, this is so one-sided it’s hysterical) and then Sasha rallies her team to go all out with one final attack which fails and Sasha admits defeat. Anos invites Sasha and Misha to his house for dinner and then walks the girls home where they seem to have made up with each other (Shizuku: That was random) and Sasha kisses Anos (scene here:, now he has a tsundere. All he needs now is a dandere, yandere, and deredere).    

In episode 3 Anos meets Ivis one of the seven deans of the school who once served Anos in the past. Anos goes to greet him where not even he recognizes Anos as he says his memories from 2,000 years ago were erased. Anos jogs his memory a little (scene here: and the two talk after class where Anos believes that the person who messed up his name as well as erased Ivis’s memories is the same guy (the questions now are who and where is the person who did this and why did they do it?). While Ivis believes his story about someone tempering with his memories he still has doubts about Anos being his master, so he decides to stay neutral for the time being and see what happens (Shizuku: Smart choice. . .for now). After this, Misha asks Anos’s help in finding a present for Sasha since her birthday is tomorrow. Misha’s birthday is also tomorrow but she doesn’t want anything she just wants to find a nice present for Sasha. The students go to a dungeon for training where Anos leads Misha and Sasha to his secret throne room to retrieve his scepter as well as take Misha to his secret room of magic items so Misha can pick out a gift for Sasha. Misha decides to go with the Phoenix Robe (I’m sure Isis would like that) and she gives it to Sasha who’s overjoyed to have it. Anos steps out of the room where Sasha changes. When Anos enters back into the room he sees that Sasha has stabbed Misha and breaks her ties with the group so that she can get all the glory (Shizuku: Bitch move Sasha). Anos can tell she’s forcing herself to do all of this and tries to get answers out of her (why she would try to cross him is beyond me. You saw what he did last episode, he could kill you with just his heartbeat if he felt like it) but Misha tells him not to harm her (Shizuku: Misha you’re a sweet girl but the grownups are talking right now). Sasha uses this distraction to escape with the scepter and robe, and Anos wants answers from Misha on what’s going on (he’s all powerful but he’s not all knowing). Misha explains that when the day is over, she will cease to exist because despite being Sasha’s sister, she’s not what you would consider a living being.    

So at the start episode 4 we find out that Misha is a part of Sasha meaning in a sense she’s Sasha. When she was a fetus along with Sasha she was set to die, but Ivis the head of the Necron family transferred a share of Sasha’s soul into Misha to give her life and allow her to live. At the stroke of midnight Misha’s spirit will return to Sasha making her whole again and creating a more powerful demon just like Ivis planned from the beginning. Anos not liking this hugs Misha and wants to help her make up with Sasha before her time. So, the two catch up to Sasha and she challenges Anos to a duel saying that if he wins she’ll answer how she really feels about Misha (some demons never learn). The duel is for Anos to control a magic circle that she created and he easily controls it because all this time Sasha never intended to win (Shizuku: Not that she could), instead, she wants to save Misha. Misha has been her friend since they were little and while Sasha got to live a fun and fulfilling life, Misha was treated as something that shouldn’t exist. For years Sasha has been studying magic to find a way to save Misha and after years of research she’s finally created a spell that will transfer the rest of her life to Misha. However, the only way the spell can work is if Misha rejects Sasha which is why she’s been treating Misha so horribly all this time. She’s been trying to get Misha to hate her so that the spell can work for this day, but Misha can never hate her no matter what she does (you stabbed the girl and yet she still came to you. If that’s not love I don’t know what is). Naturally, the spell doesn’t work and Misha is going to die, but Anos won’t let his first real friend (Shizuku: And harem member) disappear on him. He decides to use his magic to send them back in time when the split happened where the two will become one with their past selves and everything will be alright (Shizuku: A little confusing and raises so many time anomalies, but as long as they both live I’m happy). Ivis comes in out of nowhere and tries to kill Anos with a sword to the heart, but he just laughs at it, no sells the attack, and sends Ivis flying with the same sword lodged in his head (Shizuku: Well that was a fun distraction, let’s continue). After that, Anos accompanies Sasha and Misha to the past where they come across Euga La Raviaz the guardian god of time (interesting how the god of time looks like the Grim Reaper). He won’t allow them to go back in time and revives Ivis granting him the power to control time. Ivis does everything in his power to defeat Anos but is still no match for him and gets destroyed all while Anos properly sends Sasha and Misha to the past. Anos revives Ivis who returns to his senses recognizing Anos as the true demon king (scene here: He still doesn’t know who manipulated his memories but agrees to act as Anos’s spy and investigate the other deans (unless you want to get stabbed in the face again). Sasha and Misha return where they’re both alive and will continue to both live (scene here: (Shizuku): All is right with the world).     

Episodes 5-8

(Shizuku): Episode 5 starts off with a flashback into Anos’s past where his servant Shin earned Anos’s favor after defeating a spirit with one attack. Because of this, Anos grants him one wish and his wish is to be resurrected. Shin is a loyal follower of Anos and knows he’s going to die in order to bring about world peace, but Shin cannot live in a world without serving his lord so he wants to be resurrected to serve him once again. Anos says no problem (Seras: Death is like a short nap for him), but since Shin isn’t very good at source magic he’ll be reborn with no memories or skills in his next life meaning he’ll have to start from scratch (it’s like saving your game before the final boss, having it get corrupted, and having to start all over again). Shin says that is fine and his request gets approved by Anos. Returning to present day, in class it gets announced that the scepter Anos’s team bought back from the dungeon was stolen and thus the group only receives 70 points (Shizuku and Seras: What the hell? (Seras): The scepter was stolen under your watch that should automatically be a 100). Naturally, Sasha is pissed about this as is another commoner student named Misa who speaks up about how unfair this is (if it was a noble they would have gotten a hundred). Anos calms everyone down and finds the scepter which was stolen by one of his classmates under the orders of his homeroom teacher (scene here:, everybody wants to screw this guy over. They just can’t admit the fact that he’s their king reborn. (Seras): Oh they’ll admit it, they just won’t accept it). Misa approaches Anos and the others after class and invites them to check out the Unitarian club, a group of hybrids/commoners who are fighting for equal rights among demons no matter where they come from. Misa along with the other members believe that Anos is their king and want them to join their cause. They go to their club room where the members are all females and it comes across as a fan club more than a civil rights club (Seras: Can’t say I blame them. Scene here: Despite their fangirl-ness, they are determined to bring nobles and hybrids together as in this world it’s common for hybrids to be separated from their demon parent thus splitting up families. Anos likes their determination but he decides to give them a test to see their resolve. The next day at school the students are doing magic sword training. Or they would be if they could pull their swords out from the ground (weaklings). Anos pulls his sword out without touching it (Seras: It just came to him like Thor’s hammer) and a transfer student named Ray pulls his sword out as well. We see Ray is a noble and wants to join Anos’s team but he’s going to have to prove himself. So, Anos has him team up with Misa and the others for the next team competition exam which happens tomorrow. The next day comes where they have their battle with each other. Anos takes on Ray in a swordfight while Sasha and Misha take on the fan club (Seras: Okay, if Sasha and Misha win they get to be the new club president and vice president). Sasha and Misha defeat the fan club with ease, but I give the fan club credit, they showed some true guts in this battle. Anos and Ray have a fun time fighting each other (if you haven’t figured it out by now that Ray is Shin reincarnated than there’s something wrong with you) where Anos wins in the end and welcomes Ray to his team (scene here:   

Episode 6 starts at Anos’s house where Ray, Misa, Misha, and Sasha (that’s a lot of a’s) have joined him for dinner with his family. During this visit we actually learn that Anos almost died in his mom’s womb. The full story from the novel is that due to the mom’s constitution she was unable to give birth to a child, but one day she got pregnant and was overjoyed. However, she was told by doctors that even if the child was born it wouldn’t be a normal child and would be very weak. When the baby was close to dying in the womb, Anos’s mom prayed to whatever deity would listen to her. Whether it was God or even a demon she didn’t care, she just wanted her baby to live and swore that she would love it with all her heart and make them happy for as long as she lived. Whether Anos heard the prayer or saw this as an opportunity to be reborn again, the baby miraculously recovered and she gave birth to Anos (scene here: (Seras): She became the mother of a demon king. This also explains why the parents are so over the top and shower Anos with so much affection and love. His birth is a miracle and blessing for them that they will treasure for the rest of their lives). The next day at school the class finds out there’s going to be a sword tournament and Anos along with Ray have been selected to participate for their class. Anos suspects mischief from the royals but his suspicions get put on hold as he gets to meet Melheis another one of the seven deans at the academy and the one who’s been supporting Anos’s fan club. Right away he can tell that Anos is the demon king he’s been waiting for but just like Ivis he had his memories erased (scene here: He confirms Anos’s suspicions about the tournament saying that the Royalists are setting him up to lose no matter what and implores Anos to drop out of the tournament (Seras: No. That’s what they want. If he drops out it’ll be looked upon as cowardice. He has to participate and win). He heads home where Misha made a meal for him with the help of his mom (scene here: In order to pay Misha back the two go out on a date the next day where we discover that Misha likes to make magical models (this world’s version of snow globes only better) and even sells them at a shop where they sell pretty fast (I don’t blame them, these things are awesome. (Seras): Yeah, I want one). Anos creates a magic model for Misha which is in the form of the town they live in and is so small that he turns it into a ring for Misha (scene here: The wedding ring will be much grander than this). They go to a cat café and meet with Ivis who’s been investigating Melheis as well as the tournament and we also learn that Ray’s mom is in critical condition and on the verge of death due to the spirit’s disease. The next day comes and it’s time for the tournament where the first match is Anos against his teacher’s older brother a skilled swordsman who won the tournament last year. At first, Anos decides to drop out of the tournament to see how Avos would react to this, but when the crowd begins to mock him for his dream of becoming the demon king his mom speaks up for him (best mom ever. (Seras): You tell them mama). Even his dad shows up where he made an adamantine magic sword from ore he got from climbing a dangerous mountain where he received a head wound from retrieving it (what a badass dad). With this overwhelming support from his parents and wanting to make them happy, Anos decides to stop being cautious and participate in the tournament where he intends to win (scene here:  

At the start of episode 7 Anos defeats Emilia’s (his teacher) brother with ease in 1 minute (Seras: He made him look like a damn fool. Scene here: Anos continues to win where he makes it to the finals where he’ll be fighting Ray who has sided with the Royals in order to save his mom. We find out that his original parents threw him out for some reason and he was raised by his new mom, Shelia, who took him in and cared for him (so while he’s a royal he was raised by a hybrid). Anos and Misa try to save Shelia, but it’s not that easy. She’s half demon half spirit, and those who are half spirit have a tradition, a rumor or emotion tied to their spirit and when that tradition stops being passed down their spirit powers start to drain resulting in the spirit disease. Unfortunately, Shelia doesn’t know what her tradition is, so Anos has to go with plan B and that’s having Misa link the source of her tradition to Shelia’s tradition to save her. However, this spell is very dangerous and if they mess up both Misa and Shelia will be destroyed. Misa agrees to do it in order to save Shelia and they begin the link (brave girl), but Anos senses danger approaching his mom. We then cut to Anos’s mom being escorted by his fan club when out comes Emilia who has come to seek revenge. She’s pissed that her brother got humiliated by Anos (Seras: Hey, it’s not his fault your brother sucks) and is now out for revenge. She plans to destroy Anos’s sword which would result in him getting disqualified from the tournament as he’s not allowed to use another sword. Anos’s fan club protects his mom using their bodies as shields and almost getting themselves killed until Anos finally arrives (Seras: Get a good look Emilia, you’re staring down death). Anos revives the fan club thanking them from the bottom of his heart and turns his attention to Emilia where he doesn’t just kill her (no, that’d be the merciful thing to do), he brings her to back to life as the one thing she despises the most, a hybrid, and no matter how many times she dies she’ll be reborn as a hybrid (scene here: Back with Misa, she continues to try and link her source to Shelia’s tradition where Ray walks in and knocks her out for her own safety. Ray vows to win the tournament and save Shelia but she tells him to forget her and just go all out, but he can’t do that (Seras: How can he? She gave him everything. There’s no way he could abandon her).   

Episode 8 starts off with Anos fighting against Ray where we see the odds have been stacked against him. He’s been given a bracelet that’s draining away his magic, so the longer the fight goes on the more he’s at a disadvantage. Ray’s position isn’t any better as he’s told that if he so much as tries to go against the Royals, not only will his mom be killed but so will he as they placed some seal on his soul that will kill him if he goes against them (can’t you just let these guys have a fair fight that they can enjoy). Their fight is fast paced where they both go all out and it ends with Anos losing an arm (Seras: Tis but a scratch) and stabbing Ray through the chest (scene here: Time soon stops and the two get teleported away by Melheis who has betrayed him (Seras: So, you have chosen death). For the rest of the episode it’s Anos vs Melheis where it’s just Melheis thinking he has the upper hand only for Anos to keep shutting him down. Some of the highlights from this fight include Anos destroying the seal on Ray’s soul to save him, Shelia transforming into a sword for Ray to cut through dimensions thus sacrificing her life, Anos reattaching his arm with ease, and Anos revealing that up until this point, he’s only been using 1/10 of his magic (he’s been going easy on you guys). When people get reincarnated they can only use 1/10 of their magic, but thanks to the magic draining bracelet, and Melheis’s failed attempts at trying to kill Anos (Seras: It’s laughable really), his destruction source was given a rude awakening and now he can go all out if he felt like it. Anos finally defeats Melheis where we see he’s been under the control of Avos (scene here: They return to reality where we get a possible glimpse of Avos and restart time where Anos is declared the winner and revives Shelia as he figured out the source of her spirit (a sword filled with love) and broadcasted it to the world in the form of his victory speech (Seras: Where he praises his papa). At the reward ceremony he receives a sword presented to him by Sasha (woah, almost didn’t recognize her with the new hairstyle) and a kiss (scene here: (Seras): That’s 2. Come on Misha, catch up already).

Episodes 9-13

In episode 9 the demon academy will be holding inter-academy classes with the hero academy in the human realm and they’ll have a mock battle down the road as well. We see that because of peace, the demons don’t know what a hero is and even Anos wonders if Kanon was reincarnated or not (Seras: I hope so). Anos decides to personally train Misha, Sasha, Ray, and Misa to get them prepared for the human realm (yeah cause we is fighting) as he finds out later that the hero academy has a secret class that trains reincarnated heroes (Seras: During a time of supposed peace? Something is wrong here). The day for the students to go to the hero academy comes where they have to get there themselves in 10 days or less. Anos and his group arrive within seconds (so much for the journey is the destination) where Anos and Sasha go check out the hero academy by themselves (Seras: Oh~ a date with Sasha. Scene here: Once they arrive at the academy, they meet a girl named Eleonore who gives them a tour of the academy where we find out that the humans believe that Kanon defeated Anos and created the walls that separated everyone and once again Avos comes up as the name of the demon lord. We also find out that Kanon was reincarnated as well into different people. Basically, Kanon had 7 sources of power he acquired to fight against demons. If the main body were to die, the 7 sources of Kanon’s power would be reincarnated into separate bodies with each one sharing the memories of the original Kanon (it’s like a mixture between Avatar and Dragon Quest). We meet a few of Kanon’s incarnations, Ledriano (studious one) and Laos (muscle head) which Anos says aren’t the true incarnation of Kanon as the real one only had one source, the others are all just duds (I’m a little confused. (Seras): I think I get it. Kanon’s true source was the one he had when he was born. The other 6 were just sources he gathered in his battles against demons. Kanon may have 7 sources, but only one of them is the true Kanon). Laos takes exception to that statement and tries to fight Anos (Seras: Why does everyone chose death in this anime?) and loses by the blink of an eye (yep, he’s a dud. Scene here: Anos and Sasha take their leave before things get out of control (you mean before Anos kills someone, right?) but before leaving, Eleonore tells them that Kanon’s true source was destroyed by a human.    

10 days have gone by in episode 10 where the last demon students have arrived meaning we can finally start the inter-school learning experience. Right away, you can tell this is not gonna be a good experience as the hero students are determined to make the demon students look weak and stupid (Seras: Humans and underhanded tricks go hand in hand). In the first lesson where both schools demonstrate their magic, the hero academy puts up a magic barrier to make the demon student’s magic not work in order to embarrass them. Thankfully, Anos is there to expose their trickery where some of the hero students acknowledge him as the true demon lord angering the elite demons who refuse to accept him (scene here: Even after all he’s done and achieved they refuse to accept him as their king reincarnated. (Seras): At this point, it’s a matter of pride for them). A fight almost breaks out between the students but it gets stopped by the teachers (no, let them fight). That night, we see a little romance between Ray and Misa as the two hang out at a festival and Ray actually wins her a prize of matching necklaces (Seras: I’m happy for them. They’re a cute couple). The next day, the academies have a battle where the elites step up saying that they’re going to fight and not Anos. The elites are being led by Revest, the top third year student who wholeheartedly refuses to acknowledge Anos as the demon king and has been trying to show him up this whole episode (and failing miserably I might add). The battle begins in a lake where once again the heroes are using underhanded tactics. They filled the lake with holy water which gives a magic boost to humans and is pretty much poison to demons making them easy targets as their magic won’t work. The third years are wiped out completely and this makes Anos, his group, and fangirls call for a second round. Anos drains the lake to make things fair and the incarnations of Kanon are ready to fight after seeing that amazing feat of power (scene here:    

(Seras): Episode 11 is satisfying as Anos, his friends, and his fan club take on the incarnations of Kanon and just completely own them (I love it when arrogant characters who think they’re all that just get owned by even more powerful characters. The fear in their eyes and the looks of disbelief are just so satisfying to watch. Scene here: We meet the fourth reincarnation of Kanon named Zeshia who doesn’t talk and tries to use a kamikaze on Anos only to fail and get resurrected (scene here: She tries to do it again only this time Anos stops her and hears the voice of Eleonore from within the lake’s temple telling him she’s the only one who can stop Zeshia. Misha also heard Eleonore and goes into the temple to find her where Misha gets attacked by Diego (teacher of the special class) in a rather brutal scene as he just relentlessly stabs Misha with a sword repeatedly (Shizuku: And we see the blood and everything. Usually it’s Anos who engages in violent acts, so to see someone else do it is quite shocking). Anos comes in pissed and kills Diego by destroying his source and reviving Misha (scene here:, he got off easy). They both go to see Eleonore who reveals that she is magic (Shizuku: We’re gonna need more context).  

We open episode 12 with Eleonore revealing that she is human magic. After freeing her from her prison, Eleonore shows Anos the true purpose of the Hero Academy, cloning and preparing students to wage war on the demons (and they have done a fine job at that). The academy was created by Jerga, a general who fought alongside Kanon in the past and carried a deep hatred for demons. Even when Kanon reported Anos’s death, Jerga wasn’t satisfied. He wanted humans to hold on to their hatred for demons and eliminate them once and for all. When Kanon got in his way, Jerga had him killed (Shizuku: I wonder how they explained that to the people?). In order to keep the hatred going, Jerga created two spells using his source that the humans use. The first is Asc, a spell that carries Jerga’s hatred and desire to kill demons, infecting the user and everything. The second is Eleonore, but she was a bust as all of Jerga’s hatred was absorbed in Asc leaving her with nothing (Shizuku: Except for a will of her own). Eleonore was assigned to create and maintain the clones of Zeshia for 2000 years. She’s been waiting for the day when someone like Anos would show up and destroy her to end Jerga’s cycle of hatred (and obvious prejudice). However, Zeshia doesn’t want Eleonore to die and begs Anos to save her mom. Before Anos can do anything, Diego walks in (didn’t Anos kill you?) where it gets revealed that he’s the physical embodiment of Asc. As long as Eleonore is around, he’ll be revived. Before their fight can begin, the remaining deans from the demon academy arrive with the demon of the hour himself, Avos. Avos takes Kanon’s holy sword and leaves only to reappear a few days later before the demons declaring war on humans. Diego also declares war on demons and readies his army to go out and fight them. Anos and his group decide to stop this war from happening and Ray raises the tallest death flag I’ve seen in a while by proposing to Misa (are you trying to die?). The battle begins where Anos splits his forces to attack the demons before they reach the human army. Meanwhile, Anos goes to face Avos himself. He arrives at Avos’s fortress only to find out that he’s not there (the coward ran away) and the remaining deans who were under his control have been freed. We cut to Avos on the battlefield about to fight the humans, but Anos arrives to fight him. We end the episode on a major twist by finding out that Avos is Ray (Shizuku: Oh come on, how many times is this guy going to fight against us?), and Ray isn’t the reincarnation of Shin but instead Kanon (Shizuku: Woah! (Seras): Yeah, this was a good twist, I didn’t see this coming. They totally tricked us in his introduction episode. Scene here:    

In the final episode Kanon explains what happened all those years ago. After he successfully defeated Anos, Kanon was determined to create a peaceful future where all the races including demons can live together, but Jerga had other plans. Jerga betrayed Kanon and killed him as he was determined to eliminate Anos when he returned 2,000 years from now (this man has a lot of hate issues). Kanon wouldn’t take his death lying down and used his sword to change destiny. He stopped Anos from becoming the demon king and forced history to rewrite itself creating Avos. He used his 7 sources to take control of the school deans to make them loyal to Avos and spread the word that Avos was the true demon king. Kanon now intends to pose as Avos and die on the battlefield in order to destroy Jerga’s curse on humanity and allow Anos to live in the peaceful world just like he desired. The two friends fight each other with Anos destroying Kanon’s sources one by one until he only has one left. Kanon manages to stab through Anos’s source just like Anos wanted him to do (Shizuku: No! You can’t die, everyone loves you). Anos passes himself off as Avos and disappears vowing to return (pray it doesn’t take him another 2,000 years). With this, the war is over and the demons start to retreat as well as some of the humans, but Diego refuses to let it end like this. He wants to destroy all demons and becomes consumed by Asc which forms in the sky and takes on the astral form of Jerga (his hatred allowed him to cheat death). He orders all Zeshias to self-destruct and wipe everyone out but Kanon won’t let that happen. He and Eleonore try to stop them but there’s just too many of them. Even a fused together Misha and Sasha (Shizuku: What would that be, Samisha? (Seras): Close enough) can’t stop all of them. Just as the Zeshias self-destruct, Anos returns to save everyone (two minutes. (Shizuku): A new record). Anos and Kanon team up to take down Jerga once and for all and we see demons and humans working together to protect each other (scene here:, let the world be filled with love and peace). With Asc destroyed so is the hatred of Jerga and Anos turns Eleonore into his magic where she proclaims his love for him (well that came out of nowhere). Anos returns home with Misha, Sasha, and Eleonore (scene here: Wait until the parents find out about Zeshia. (Shizuku): Yeah, they’re technically grandparents now).

Final Thoughts

(Seras): The Misfit of Demon King Academy isn’t what I would consider a great series, but it is a good watch. The story may be simple and generic, but it’s told well and done a lot better than other animes out there who have taken a concept similar to this and botched it by trying to be overly complicated for no reason or making it just a bland mess with uninteresting characters.

(Shizuku): Speaking of characters, they’re not really all that good. Don’t get me wrong, Anos is cool and badass. He’s definitely the highlight of this anime as he just owns everyone he comes across, but he doesn’t just go around looking for fights. He seems like he wants to enjoy the world he’s in and interact with the people in it. Despite being a demon king he’s actually a kind soul. He cares about others, values his friends, and loves his parents. He doesn’t believe he’s better than anyone and won’t forgive those who look down on him or those he cares about. He always maintains his cool analyzing the situation in front of him and knowing when to show off or get really serious. Sadly, the rest of the characters are weak. While we got cute girls and the twist at the end was nice, these characters really don’t have that much personality or development in the series. The villains are also very shallow and disappointing.

(Seras): The animation isn’t anything special. It looks good and is pretty well done with the buildings and landscapes, but it doesn’t look all that different or special from any other fantasy world I’ve seen.

(Shizuku): The same thing can be said for the music and fighting. Nothing really all that special there either.

Final Score

(Seras): My final score for this anime is a 6/10.

(Shizuku): I’m giving it a 6/10 as well.

(Seras): This isn’t a groundbreaking anime I encourage everyone to go out and see, but if you’re looking for an anime that has an overpowered MC who isn’t bland and pretty cool than check this anime out when you’ve got some free time. A second season has already been announced so if you like this anime look forward to the next season.

(Shizuku): Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time on Project Nitsuj.        

*All videos, clips, and music are not owned by me and belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved*

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