Record 14: Zenbitseo

(Zia): Within the Elfan culture we have a tradition called Zenbitseo. When translated the word means tree of birth. When an Elfan child is born their parents take a seed and infuse it with the blood of the newborn to be planted. The tree is then left to grow in the forest until the newborn’s 18th birthday where that tree will be chopped down and crafted into their weapon for life. Master Amarti has always found this practice ironic, but I have always seen it as a rite of passage. The weapon that the tree is crafted into is totally up to the elf who chopped it down. It is important for elves to think very hard on what they want their weapon to be. My father always taught me that a weapon is an extension of oneself and should reflect who that person is.

As an elf journeys through life there are times when they will come across those who disagree with them in which case they will fight. However, there are times when the disagreement reaches high levels, and the elves will challenge each other in what’s known as a Carpe Arbor which means Seize the Tree. A duel in which the respective elves will bet their Zenbitseo in a fight and the winner takes the loser’s Zenbitseo for themselves. Absorbing the Zenbitseo into their own Zenbitseo and being able to use that weapon whenever they want. There are times when some elves hand over their Zenbitseo willingly, but they are rare occasions. It’s said that with every Zenbitseo an elf obtains their own Zenbitseo becomes stronger and the new Zenbitseo takes on a form that fits the image of its new owner. Those who have lost their Zenbitseo can get a new one, but they’ll have to wait 18 years to get it. What’s that? Have I been involved in a Carpe Arbor? Yes, but how many is a secret that only I know.

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