Record 15: The Rangers

(Raika): The Blue Dragon Order is home to some of the most skilled knights in Brister. They keep us safe from enemy kingdoms as well as Eclipses. But every great army has an elite force lying in wait to take on some of the more difficult tasks out on the battlefield. For Brister, it’s the Rangers. The Ranger Program was started over 15 years ago by the Blue Dragon Order. Its mission, to find young and talented knights and turn them into super soldiers. It’s a rigorous program though, only those with a recommendation are allowed into the program and even those who get in go through rigorous training day and night that would make even the strongest of knights weep and quit. I should know, I’ve seen it firsthand. Those who do get into the program are injected with a serum that enhances everything about you. Your senses, reflexes, muscles, and even your magic capabilities all receive a huge boost. Senses that you supposedly lost get enhanced and come back better than ever. However, don’t get ahead of yourself. This serum doesn’t just work for anyone. Conditions have to be met and don’t think for one second that just because you take the serum you’re invincible. A super soldier is still human and a good shot to the head will put you down for good. My father once told me that if you can touch it you can destroy it. The Rangers engage in special missions assigned to them by the Blue Dragon Order. Some of these missions include tracking down terrorist groups, emergency extraction of spies in foreign lands as well as emergency rescue, target assassination, and even Eclipse hunting. The Rangers are a tight and well-coordinated group. Even though you rarely hear news about them they’re hard at work and if you can join you’ll not only prove your toughness as a knight, but you’ll meet comrades who will have your back for life.

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