Record 19: Spirits

(Morgan): Spirits. They’re a collection of magic particles in the air coming together to form what we call a spirit. They’ve existed for centuries, there are over a million of them, and we’re still counting. The first recorded spirit summoned was by complete accident. It happened when a farmer was out working the fields when all of a sudden an Eclipse came out to attack her. Out of panic she began combining her magic with the magic particles in the air and summoned a spirit who sprang into action and saved her. She was scared and confused by the creature when she first saw it, but after seeing how loyal it was to her she warmed up to it. She soon began to experiment and found out she could create all kinds of spirits to help her on the farm as well as protect it from invaders and Eclipses. Till this day, Amanda Hecklemen is considered the Mother of Spirits.

Today, spirits can be summoned via two ways. The first way is through spirit crystals. It’s the easiest way to summon them and they’re pretty affordable. The second way is with a summoning circle but it’s only recommended for those who have studied spirits and have an understanding of summoning circles. If you’re a complete amateur in summoning spirits don’t do this. You could summon an uncontrollable spirit and get killed. Spirits are broken down into three categories. The most common are the possessors spirits which specialize in one objective and are easy to control. The second are speasts who take on the form of animals. They’re a lot harder to summon but they’re stronger and you can fuse them together to form stronger speasts. The final are shamans who can combine with living creatures and inanimate objects. These are spirits I don’t recommend summoning. It takes a high mentality to control them and it’s said these spirits possess a mind of their own. So be careful if you decide to summon them. Spirits have existed for centuries and even to this day we’re still learning new things about them.   

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