(Jade): Alright, so I just speak into this mic here? (Morgan): Yes! (Jade): A little nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before. (Morgan): It’s all right. Take a deep breath and just be yourself. On second thought, just read from the script. (Jade): Gotcha! *Clears throat* Let’s talk about demihumans. One of the four […]
Tag Archives: Nitsuj
Midnight Suns Retrospective
Hello everyone! Justin here and welcome to the Otaku Mind. So over the last few weeks I’ve been going through a backlog of some games I wanted to finish from last year. One of those games was Marvel’s Midnight Suns. I spoke about this game briefly on my top 11 games of 2022 list and […]
Chapter 31: The Fall of the Nexus Part 2
*After Raika exits the hummer the other doors open and the remaining members of Shadow Eye exit the vehicle with Dust exiting out the driver’s side. Jin, Gael and Hibana popped up from the counter and smiled when they saw the members of Shadow Eye* (Gael): Guys! You made it! *Jin, Gael and Hibana come […]
Project #529: Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. The Shakespearean romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet is an all-time classic. Two people from warring families who were brought together by love only to sadly die in each other’s arms. The story is timeless and has popped up a number of times throughout media over the years. Most of […]
Record 8: Elves
(Amarti): So, you want to learn about elves? Well you’ve come to the right person. In this world there are four races: humans, demihumans, merfolk, and elves. For us elves we’re defined by our gorgeous appearance, long ears, and slim figures. Also no, we don’t sparkle in the sunlight. Not sure who started that rumor […]
Chapter 30: The Fall of the Nexus Part 1
*As the sun was starting to set, Jin, Gael, Hibana and the others were loaded up into a van and driven to the Migung District. The Migung District was one of the older residential areas in the kingdom. Buildings built on top of other buildings and electrical poles towering over the area. The area was […]
Project #528: RWBY Ice Queendom
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Doesn’t it suck when a series you like falls from grace? For me, that’s RWBY. The brainchild of Monty Oum has had its ups and downs following the creator’s death. Bad writing, lousy character motives, and forcing ships on the fandom in an effort to show how progressive they […]
Record 7: The Shadow Eye Order
(Morrison): The record you are about to listen to is top secret and only reserved for commanders and those selected. Within the Kingdom of Brister there are knighthoods who maintain order and serve the king and royal family. However, there is a secret order that is hidden from the public. This order is known as […]
Chapter 29: Trial of the Nexus
*After Crystal interviewed the other recruits, Jin, Gael and Hibana found themselves on top of the building. Counting them and the other recruits they totaled fifteen people and ranged from demihumans, humans, elves, dark elves, male and female* (Crystal): Alright, it’s now time for part three of the test. Being a member of Dawn Nexus […]
Project #527: The Top 11 Hottest Anime Girls (2023 ed.)
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well Valentine’s Day is around the corner which means it’s time for everyone’s favorite list. That’s right, I’m Nitsuj and these are the top 11 Hottest Anime Girls (2023 Edition). #11. Hitamuki from Immoral Guild https://www.zerochan.net/3769274 The innocent and caring Hitamuki is our furry this year. A new adventurer […]