(Isis): Greetings. Welcome to Project Nitsuj, I am Isis. (Seras): And I am Seras. The unlikely duo has returned. With a vengeance. (Isis): Nitsuj is in the middle of watching Arslan Senki and has asked us specifically to cover for him this week. (Seras): Why did he asks us? (Isis): He thought it be funny […]
Author Archive: Nitsuj
Project #256.5: Winter Anime 2018 First Impressions
Hey guys, Nitsuj here, and happy holidays to everyone out there. Welcome to the side blog the blogs between the blogs where today we take a look at the anime set to come out this winter. With December right around the corner, winter isn’t too far away which means the fall anime will be ending […]
Project #256: Nanatsu no Taizai Part 2
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Did have you have a good holiday? Get your fill up on food and football? How about your fill up on anime reviews? No? Well I got you’ve cover, so let’s continue our review of Nanatsu no Taizai. Opening and Ending The second opening for the anime is “Seven […]
Project #255: Nanatsu no Taizai Part 1
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. The Seven Deadly Sins has been a part of media for years. Whether you’re a person of religion or not, there’s no doubt you’ve heard of the Seven Deadly Sins. Anime is no stranger to these sins as a lot of authors like to use them as the villains […]
Why is SAO still a thing
Hello, Justin here, and welcome to the Otaku Mind. Guess what, we’re still talking about SAO this week. When it was announced that a third season was being made I asked myself the one question everyone asks about SAO, why is this still popular? I mean, despite the fan backlash and the disappointing arcs following […]
Project #254: SAO: Ordinal Scale
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. *Deep breath* Well. . .it’s been a while since I talked about SAO *Nitsuj ducks under the table as shots are fired at him. Once the shots stop he returns to his seat* and with the news of a third season set to air next year, I thought now […]
Project #253: Bungou Stray Dogs Part 2
(Shizuku): Yo! It’s your AI girls Shizuku and Mira and welcome to Project Nitsuj where we continue our look at Bungou Stray Dogs with the second season. (Mira): The second season of Bungou Stray Dogs aired in the same year as the first season and aired 3 months after the first season ended. (Shizuku): Why […]
Project #252: Bungou Stray Dogs Part 1
(Mira): Good day to everyone out there, I am Mira. (Shizuku): And I’m Shizuku. Welcome to Project Nitsuj. (Mira): Normally Nitsuj would be here to give you a review but he’s going to be out of action this week and next week because he’s got a cold and we’ve been called in to cover for […]
Dawn of the Broken
*It’s Halloween Night in the Principality of Jack and the entire kingdom is partying in the streets as music plays, people dance and drink, kids get treats and play games. There’s excitement in the air as everyone prepares for the big magic tournament. We see that the AI girls are taking in the festivities with […]
Project #251: Castlevania
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. When people think of the NES two games come to mind. Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Which is understandable, these two games were the benchmarks of the NES. They pushed the NES to its limits and were liked by kids and adults of all ages. To […]