Record 2: Honorary Knights and Squires

(Morrison): Becoming a knight for your kingdom or empire is quite simple. Get a knight’s license. It’s common knowledge and everyone out there knows that the only way to get a knight’s license is to attend a knight or mage academy within a kingdom that recognizes and authorizes the school. However, there have been a few exceptions to these rules. Though rare they may be, there have been a few shortcuts to becoming a knight. The first way is to become an honorary knight. It is a title given to you by the ruler of a kingdom or empire. It’s a title that holds prestigious honor and one that is very hard to get. In order to earn this title you must do something exemplary that the ruler deems worthy of giving you the title. Most people try to do this in battle or in the most extreme of cases, stop a rebellion entirely. The second way is a lot simpler but still just as hard, a squire. Squires are those who are handpicked by a knight personally to train underneath them. Their role is to learn, observe, and assist the knight in any way they can while also developing their own skills and getting stronger. While one could say this is no different from a knight leaving the academy and joining an order, I can assure you it’s much different. Squires are usually normal citizens who are not in the academy, they are talented individuals who caught the eye of a knight, and they took it upon themselves to train and develop their talents personally. While I admit earning one of these titles is a big deal and if you get one it is well deserved, I personally believe nothing beats a good education and prepares you for the field more than the academy.

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