Record 21: Eclipse Rankings

(Dust): So you’re curious about rankings? Well there’s not much to say. It’s just how we categorize the class of Eclipses. You see, when an Eclipse is born they have little to no intellect. It’s basically on the level of a wild animal who’s been kept in captivity its whole life and is now seeing the world for the first time. It will kill and attack whatever it sees to figure out where it fits on the food chain. The problem is the more they try to figure out where they stand the more dangerous they become. As they continue to get older, they grow bigger, stronger, faster, and smarter. Only increasing their danger level, so that’s why it’s always important to kill an Eclipse while it’s still young and inexperienced. So where did the system come from? Well it all started with some knights from a different kingdom. A bunch of loudmouth rookie knights fresh from the academy were looking to make a name for themselves, so they completely ignore their superior’s orders and head out alone to destroy an Eclipse nest. The idiots get there thinking the enemy is a bunch of dumb Eclipses and stupidly wander into the nest where they quickly fall for the Eclipses’ traps, get separated from each other and killed off one by one. Their superior wasn’t any better. The guy in a panic stupidly surrounds the nest ignoring the obvious holes believing they’re from beavers or rabbits and prepares to invade only for the Eclipses to attack them from behind as the holes were dug by them to do sneak attacks. Smart Eclipses facing off against inexperienced knights.

So the kingdoms got together and established this ranking system to categorize the Eclipses and avoid another incident like this. The rankings go from E to A with E being the lowest and A being the highest. If an Eclipse is ranked E or D then a rookie knight should have no problem taking them down. Rank D Eclipses do however show the intellect of a child and shouldn’t be underestimated. Rank C Eclipses are where things start to get rough as the Eclipse displays intellect that’s on par with an adult and incorporates strategies like the holes we talked about earlier. Rank B and A Eclipses are dangerous. They’re Eclipses that have lived for years, are battled tested, and won’t go down without a fight. It’s even said that they gain the ability to speak. Eclipses in these rankings seem to be able to control lower ranking Eclipses telepathically and coordinate attacks with them. There’s another ranking we have for Eclipses but we’ll save that for later.       

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