Record 22: Fire Grid

(Ryuuji): We finally get to talk about the Fire Grid fighting style. The Fire Grid fighting style was created by a group of war monks who were fighting to protect their home island from foreign invaders. To master the techniques of the Fire Grid you must be strong in three principles: physical, mental, and spirit. You must be physically strong to withstand the burning sensation of these techniques, have a clear and calm mind to study and learn, and an unyielding spirit that burns bright and doesn’t give up even when faced with failure. Fire has often been seen as a bad omen. It hurts people, burns down forests and even houses, but at the same time it keeps us warm on cold winter nights, warms up our food and I believe when used correctly it can protect lives. There’s no such thing as bad magic, only bad users of magic. The Fire Grid has a total of 500 different forms, each form varies and can help you out in almost any situation. While most of the moves are offensive attacks, there are defensive moves such as the Fire Shield, moves that increase your speed and even moves that heal injuries. Mastering all 500 forms isn’t easy. Very few people have managed to learn 300 forms. It appears that the higher the form the more it requires you to be strong in the three principles. A really daunting task that takes a toll on the body and mind of people. You could meditate and train for years and yet you still might not be able to learn the form. However, it is believed that those who master all 500 forms reach some sort of level of enlightenment. From personal experience, I can’t say I reached enlightenment but what I can say is that I reached a level of peace with myself and those around me.    

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