The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 3

*After getting something to eat Cole pulls up to Nitsuj’s house. He sees a light on in one of the rooms on the second floor and gets out of the car*

(Cole): Well this is interesting, no AIA agents.

(Other Cole): Maybe your escape was that good that they still don’t know you’ve escaped.

(Cole): Appreciate it Other Cole, but I’m not that good. Knowing that douchebag he’s probably waiting for me.

*Cole heads around back trying to sneak in. With no lights on the backyard is completely dark and Cole has a hard time seeing. Suddenly the lights come on and sitting on the porch is Danny with a pistol in his hand*

(Danny): Hello Cole. I’ve been expecting you.

(Cole): Danny! My man! Good to see you again bud. Now if you don’t mind, step aside so I can get in there and kill Nitsuj.

(Danny): Nitsuj is gone. So is everyone else. I put them in protective custody.

*Cole’s eye twitches at this*

(Cole): Well that’s okay. Why don’t you tell me where he’s at and I’ll go say hi to him.

(Danny): Sorry Cole, but I’m not telling.

(Cole): *Chuckles* Danny, you and I have known each other a long time now, and when you tell me you’re not going to tell me where Nitsuj is, you know what you’re doing to me?

(Danny): I make you angry?


(Other Cole): Woah Cole, deep breaths. We talked about this.

(Cole): *Takes a deep breath* You’re right. Thanks Other Cole.

(Other Cole): Anytime Cole.

 (Danny): Cole why are you talking to yourself?

(Other Cole): Oh well Cole here couldn’t handle the loneliness and failure, so I decided I be his friend and help him sort out his thoughts. Ain’t that right Cole?

(Cole): Sure is. He’s been a great help unlike you and the others.

(Danny): Cole, listen to me. I understand you’re mad at Nitsuj, but you’re not well. Give yourself up and I’ll work to give you a lighter sentence and professional help. You have my word.

(Cole): Not happening Danny. This doesn’t end until I get my hands on Nitsuj. He took everything from me.

(Danny): He took nothing from you.

(Cole): Why are you defending him? You don’t even like him.

(Danny): God, why does everyone think that? I may not agree with some of Nitsuj’s methods, but I still like and respect him. He’s still a valuable comrade and I am not going to let you harm him. Last chance Cole. Stand the fuck down.

(Cole): And last chance for you Danny. Where. . . is. . . Nitsuj?

*Danny fires his pistol which shoots out a lightning bullet. Cole rolls out of the way as Danny runs toward him. Danny pulls him a second pistol and begins firing at Cole who dodges the bullets. When the two are in close proximities of each other they have a CQC sequence. Danny tries shooting Cole at point blank range, but Cole keeps dodging the bullets. Danny also dodges Cole’s attacks. The two finally separate from each other. Danny uses this chance to reload his pistols while Cole catches his breath as the two circle around each other*

(Danny): Your reflexes have gotten sharper Cole.

(Cole): *Heavy breathing* Yeah. Did I mention I was in jail, where the only things to do were workout and read? With so much spare time on my hands I decided to work on strengthening my body and reflexes. Don’t wanna get stabbed in prison.

*As the two continue to circle each other, Cole steps on a mine and gets shocked*


*Cole falls to one knee and Danny uses this chance to hit Cole with a running knee to the side of the face*

(Danny): Did I mention I set a few mines in the grass and only I know where they’re located. That should eliminate your wild moves and force you to face me head on which judging by your heavy breathing from earlier I’d say your stamina isn’t really all that good.

(Cole): *Chuckles* Look like you’ve come prepared to fight me. That was the one thing I loved about you Danny. You were cautious, you always made sure you had the odds stacked in your favor and make everyone feel powerless whenever they faced you. It’s downright evil and I love it.   

(Danny): The greater the odds the greater the success rate.

(Cole): True. But, it’s that 1% you’ve got to watch out for.

*Cole throws a stick at Danny which distracts him. Danny does manage to get off a shot which forces Cole to go right. Cole tries to attack Danny while he’s distracted only to step on another mine and get shocked again*


*Danny points his pistols at Cole’s stomach and fires them out at point blank range. Cole falls backwards hitting the ground hard where he looks to be unconscious. Danny approaches Cole with caution to see if he’s alright. When Danny gets close to examine Cole, Cole opens his eyes and throws dirt into Danny’s eyes which temporarily blinds him. Cole gets back up and begins to pummel Danny with a series of punches in the face and gut. He finishes up by tossing Danny through the screen door into the house where Danny lands on the ground with glass sticking to his clothes. Cole walks towering over Danny*

(Cole): Did you really think you’d be enough to stop me?

(Danny): Yes. But I asked for a little help just in case.

*Out of nowhere Cole gets punched and goes flying across the room into the wall. Cole quickly gets back up looking around for whoever punched him only to see nothing except for Danny still on the ground. Out of nowhere Cole gets hit once again and this time goes flying out of the house and lands on a mine*


*As Cole is getting shocked a mysterious figure with green eyes begins to be visible from the door*

(Cole): Who the fuck are you?

(Reaper): Your worst fucking nightmare.

*Reaper emerges from the house and slowly walks towards Cole who starts breathing heavily and bleeding from the nose with a few bruises on his face and body*

(Cole): Oh terrific he had another AI?

(Reaper): Indeed. Nitsuj and the others may have been nice to you. However, you won’t get that from me. Pandora Chop!

*Cole dodges immediately as the Reaper’s attack leaves a crater in the ground. Cole punches Reaper only to see it had no effect on him. Reaper takes out a chain and tries to bind Cole*

(Cole): I didn’t want to have to use this. Amaterasu!

*Cole shoots black flames from his mouth which melt Reaper’s chains. Reaper is shocked by this and so is Danny who saw this from the screen door. Cole uses this chance to escape. He makes it to the front yard with Danny chasing after him taking shots but missing. Cole reaches the car and drives off*

(Danny): Damn it!

*Danny takes out his phone and calls a number*

(Danny): He got away. Lock all the streets down and be on the lookout for a 2020 red Volkswagen.

*Danny hangs up*

(Reaper): So that was Cole.

(Danny): It used to be. I don’t even know who he is now.

(Reaper): When revenge consumes us we become something we never thought imaginable. I wish you luck and pray for your safety.

(Danny): Wait, you’re not going to help me?

(Reaper): I cannot leave the house without Nitsuj’s permission and I was told to watch the place in his absence.

*Reaper begins to disappear*

(Reaper): Beware of that black flame. It is something that should not exist in this world.

*Reaper completely disappears leaving Danny alone*

(Danny): You don’t know the half of it.

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