The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 5

*Back in Cincinnati, Danny and the rest of AIA were on the hunt for Cole. When he drove away, he ran into the AIA’s blockade and totaled his car. He managed to escape the AIA by running into the woods. Danny is now in the woods with his own unit looking for Cole*

(Danny): All units report in. Any sign of Cole?

(AIA Agent): This is unit Sakura, still no sign of Cole sir on the west end of the woods.

(AIA Agent): Unit Naruto reporting in, no sign of Cole on the east side of the woods.

(Danny): Surveillance team any movement?

(AIA Agent): Negative. Drones have a bird’s eye view of the forest and detect no signs of Cole. Do you think he might have already escaped sir?

(Danny): No, he’s here. I can sense it. Expand your search and stay grouped up into teams. Proceed with caution. This isn’t a man to underestimate.

*Meanwhile, back in London, it’s Saturday, the second day of the con and Nitsuj is doing a panel along with Shizuku and Yume*

(Fan): Hey Nitsuj, just out of curiosity do you write your blogs out in advance?

(Nitsuj): Some of them I do. When I’m watching certain animes I’ll go ahead and write down my thoughts about them. Some animes I’ll go back and watch again.

(Fan): Alright thank you.

(Nitsuj): My pleasure next question.

(Fan #2): My question is for Shizuku. What are your thoughts on BNA?

(Shizuku): I’m going to hold off on giving my thoughts. Me and the boss are planning on doing a review on that anime. Our plan is to do it sometime this year.

*Nitsuj and the others continue to answer questions until their time is up*

(Nitsuj): *Stretches* That was fun. I could use a nice meal. Come on guys, let’s get some food.

(Chris): I could eat.

(Chibi): Nii-chan sure is acting like nothing happened the other day.

(Mira): Well he said he didn’t want to get involved with whatever happened yesterday and I guess he meant it.


*Nitsuj returns to the room*

(Yin-Yang): Where the hell were you? We tried contacting your phone and it went straight to voicemail each time.

(Yume): We were prepared to go out and find you.

(Nitsuj): You guys aren’t going to believe what happened to me.

*Nitsuj sits down and tells everyone what happened to him after he left the conference center*

(Isis): You’re right, I don’t believe you.

(Nitsuj): I was being chased by hooded figures. They had an armory and everything.

(Chris): So who were these hooded figures anyway?

(Nitsuj): Normally I be curious about this, but I’m not.

(Mira): You’re really just going to ignore this?

(Seras): Yeah this sounds interesting. Come on, we packed your swords and everything.

(Shizuku): These guys tried to attack you for no reason, who’s to say they won’t do it again?

(Yin-Yang): Just say the word and we’ll take them out.

(Nitsuj): Guys no. I appreciate you guys caring for my safety, but we’re not gonna get involved. We’re on vacation and we’re in a foreign country. If we get involved this could cause an international crisis.

(Yume): Didn’t seem to bother you when you went to Japan.

(Nitsuj): Different. I covered my tracks and made sure no one could tie me back to that temple.

(Chris): Actually we knew it was you who burnt down that temple. We just didn’t say anything because it was a weeaboo temple and you saved us paperwork by burning it down.

(Nitsuj): The point is that this isn’t America where we just run around and do whatever the hell we want without repercussions. The AIA has no jurisdiction here which means we could get into a lot of serious trouble if we step out of line which I’m sure is one of the reasons why Danny sent us here in the first place. I’m just going to pretend that nothing happened and not get involved with whatever the group was doing. I’m sure they won’t bother me again.

*Flashback ends*

*True to Nitsuj’s word, he never spoke about the event with the hooded figures again and even at the con on Friday, nothing bad happened. Nitsuj did his panel, everyone enjoyed the con, they went to the park after the event, and then went back to their hotel room where they played some games and went to bed. The group was now sitting at a café eating some good food*

(Chris): I still can’t believe you thought you saw Kenji the other day.

(Nitsuj): It had to be him.

(Chris): You sure you weren’t just seeing things?

(Nitsuj): Chris that man sticks out like a sore thumb. I would recognize him on the spot.

(Corbin): So, is this Kenji really all that?

(Chris): And then some. That guy trained Nitsuj and Cole himself. Taught them everything they know and even went on to establish the Dark Syndicate.

(Chibi): So why did he leave?

(Nitsuj): He just said he wanted a change in scenery. We were all pretty shocked and sad when he said he was leaving but we gave him our blessings, we’re happy he was taking a trip he wanted to take, and wished him luck. All we asked is that he’d be sure to come back.

(Mira): Sounds like you have a great deal of respect for him.

(Nitsuj): I wish you guys could meet him. He was a great fighter, loved anime, and had good taste in Japanese music from the 80s and 90s.

(Chris): Knowing him, he would have caused property damage in no time if he got involved with those guys from yesterday.

(Nitsuj): Oh definitely. Remember that time he caused a riot in the Mall of America just to secure a limited figurine of Zoro from One Piece.

(Chris): Oh that was hilarious. He lied to the brass and said it was an urgent mission of national security and they gave us whatever we needed. As soon they found out what was really going on they were ready to kill us.

(Nitsuj): Brent at the time actually leapt from his desk and tried to strangle Kenji.

*Chris and Nitsuj share good a laugh remembering their past exploit*

(Server): Excuse me, is there a Nitsuj here?

(Nitsuj): That would be me.

(Server): You have a call up front.

*Nitsuj gets up surprised by this information and goes to answer the call up front*

(Nitsuj): Hello.

(???): Nitsuj? Thank goodness I was able to reach you! It’s Kenji!

(Nitsuj): Kenji!

(Kenji): Not so loud! Just act natural.

(Nitsuj): I knew I saw you yesterday.

(Kenji): Yeah and I saw you too. What the hell are you doing in London?

(Nitsuj): I could ask you the same thing. Where are you?

(Kenji): That’s not important right now. You’re in grave danger, you need to get out of there now!

(Nitsuj): What? Why?

(Kenji): I don’t know what you did the other day, but those guys are on high alert right now and they’re coming for you. Sneak out the back and I’ll meet you there.

(Nitsuj): I can’t just leave the others.

(Kenji): Don’t worry about your friends I’ve got somebody watching them for you. Just get out of there.

*Nitsuj hangs up the phone and tries to head for the exit but gets blocked by suspicious people. He turns and heads back to the others*

(Nitsuj): Guys remember how I said I wasn’t gonna get involved with whatever happened to me the other day? Well I think they want to get involved.

*Nitsuj gets shot in the back with a stun gun and falls face first into the food onto the table twitching and everything*

(Corbin): He landed right into my soup.

(Suspicious person): He knows too much! Take him!

*More suspicious people come and pick up Nitsuj. Shizuku grabs one of their arms*

(Shizuku): Now I know you’re not just going to take him and think we’ll let you, right?

*Shizuku punches the person and the others take action as Chris gets to a safe spot. They take out their weapons and subdue the others to make them stand down*

(Isis): No sudden moves or you get hurt.

(Suspicious person): Easy there ma’am. No need to get messy.

*One suspicious person reaches into their pocket and sets off a flash bomb which blinds everyone. During everyone’s temporary blindness a van pulls up and people jump out where they pick up an unconscious Nitsuj. As everyone regains their eyesight they see that Nitsuj is being put into the van. Everyone’s sight is too blurry to save him, and the van drives off with Nitsuj inside. The other suspicious people disappear as Kenji shows up to see what happened*

(Kenji): Damn! I’m too late.

(Chris): Kenji!

(Kenji): Oh hey Chris. Long time no see. These must be the AI girls I’ve heard so much about.

(Shizuku): *Grumbles* Who were those guys?

(Kenji): They’re called the Order of Iustitia Socialis. They’ve been around for years. Your friend Nitsuj is in trouble.

(Mira): We’ve got to save him. Let’s connect to his phone.

(Kenji): Don’t bother, they’re jamming the signal.

(Isis): Great. Now how do we save him?

(Kenji): We stay patient. I’m sure my friend will get him out in no time.

*As the van that took Nitsuj drives away a lime green light can be seen on the back bumper of the van*

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