The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 6

*In an unknown location, Nitsuj’s unconscious body gets taken out of the van and into an elevator. The elevator goes down and stops in an underground facility*

(Suspicious person): Take his phone and crack it open. We must make sure he hasn’t shared our secrets with anyone else.

*The suspicious people drag Nitsuj’s body off into a room while take his phone in the opposite direction of the room. After a few minutes past and the coast is clear, the lime green light on the back of the van stops blinking and all of sudden an AI materializes. The girl looks like Mash from Fate Grand Order only with lime green hair and dark skin. The tips of her bangs are pink with some of them covering her left eye. Her right eye is lime green and she carries a large shield*

(AI girl): This is it. I have to find him before it’s too late.

*The AI girl runs off in the direction they took Nitsuj. Meanwhile Nitsuj’s phone was taken into a room where they planned to unlock it*

(Suspicious person): Alright. Find out what’s on this phone.

*The phone soon begins to rumble*

(Suspicious person): What’s going on? You shouldn’t be able to make a call down here.

*Seras pops out of the phone and punches the person holding the phone with an uppercut. Seras catches the phone and puts it in her pocket. She proceeds to knock out the 3 other suspicious individuals in the room with a series of punches and kicks*

(Seras): Looks like I made the right call to hide in the phone.


*When the flash bomb went off and blinded everyone, Seras saw people out of the corner of her eyes grab Nitsuj. Since she was so close to Nitsuj, she was able to slip into Nitsuj’s phone before they took him away and was waiting for her moment to strike*

*Flashback ends*

(Seras): Now where did they take Nitsuj?

*Seras exits the room and starts to look for Nitsuj. Meanwhile Nitsuj was regaining consciousness after being stun gunned*

(Nitsuj): Ohh~, my head. Why is there soup on my shirt?

*Nitsuj looks around and sees he’s no longer at the restaurant but instead in a different location and on the ground. When he sees two suspicious figures, he quickly remembers what happened and puts everything together*

(Nitsuj): Oh great. An underground organization threatening the peace. Couldn’t you guys just let me enjoy my vacation in peace?

(Suspicious person): Take a seat.

*Nitsuj gets up and sees that there’s a chair and table next to him. Nitsuj slowly gets back up where he realizes he has handcuffs on*

(Nitsuj): I think I’d rather stand.

*Nitsuj gets punched in the face and staggers just a bit*

(Suspicious person): I said take a seat.

*Nitsuj reluctantly sits down as another suspicious person sits across from him*

(Suspicious person): Now I’m going to ask you some real simple questions and I want answers? Who are you?

(Nitsuj): Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

*Nitsuj gets punched in the gut*

(Nitsuj): *Coughs* Nitsuj of Project Nitsuj. I’m an anime reviewer.

(Suspicious person): What’s your relationship with Kenji? Did he send you?

(Nitsuj): Never heard of him.

*Nitsuj gets his head bashed into the table*

(Nitsuj): So do I get hit every time I talk or just when I say something smart and true like you guys are assholes?

*Nitsuj gets smacked across the face*

(Nitsuj): So that’s every time, right?

(Suspicious person): Play dumb all you like, but you will tell me what you know or else.

(Nitsuj): Fine! You want me to tell you what I know, I know that in the next minute I’m going to get up and walk out of this room while leaving you guys on the floor unconscious.

*The suspicious people laugh at Nitsuj while Nitsuj just sits there smiling*

(Suspicious man): Ohh~ that’s a good one. I needed that.

*Someone knocks on the door*

(Suspicious person): Yes?

*Another knock on the door*

(Suspicious person): Yes, come in.

*Another knock on the door*

(Suspicious person): Are you deaf? I said come in!

*Another knock on the door*

(Suspicious person): Oh for the love of-

*Suspicious person sitting at the table gets up to answer the door. As soon as he opens the door he gets hit with a shield which sends him flying. The AI girl with lime green hair enters the room. This attack catches the attention of the second suspicious person who pulls out his gun fires it the AI girl. She uses her shield to protect herself from the bullets. As soon as the suspicious person runs out of bullets, Nitsuj grabs him from behind and slams him into the desk to knock him out*

(Nitsuj): That’s for slamming my head into the desk.

*The AI girl’s shield disappears, and a spear materializes in front of her. She grabs the spear and approaches Nitsuj where she uses the spear to cut through the handcuffs*

(Nitsuj): Let me guess, Kenji sent you?

(AI girl): Yes. Master Kenji sent me to help you escape. My name is Neo. I am an AI girl working with master Kenji to defeat the Order of Iustitia Socialis. *Bows her head* It is to pleasure to meet you senpai!

(Nitsuj): Uh nice to meet you to. Thanks for rescuing me. Also, why senpai?

(Neo): Well you’re master Kenji’s former pupil and I’m his current pupil. Therefore, you’re my senpai.

(Nitsuj): Alright. Always wanted to have a junior. Still, Order of Iustitia Socialis. What does that mean?

(Neo): It’s Latin for Order of Social Justice.

(Nitsuj): Oh no, they’re social justice warriors. I can’t stand these guys. They’re always being offended when there’s nothing to get offended about. Well let’s get out of here. I assume you know the way out?

(Neo): Yes. Right this way.

*Neo and Nitsuj exit the room with Neo leading the way out. Meanwhile, Seras was busy taking out members of the Order of Iustitia Socialis. Some of the members were shooting at Seras with their guns but she kept on deflecting them with her scythe while others were cowering in fear. When the members stop shooting because they run out of bullets, Seras charges at them and takes them out with the backside of her scythe. Once the gunmen are taken out, the ones who were cowering in fear run away. Seras catches one of them and throws them into the wall*

(Seras): You guys bought in a man here today. Where is he?

(Order of Iustitia Socialis member): I don’t know. He’s probably in one of the interrogation rooms on the west side.

*Radio call*

(Order of Iustitia Socialis caller): All members be on the lookout for the man we bought in today. He’s is escaping with an intruder. Lock down the facility and secure all doors. Intruder was last spotted in sector G.

*Radio call ends*

(Seras): Well that’s good news. Allow me to change my question. Where’s sector G?

*The Order of Iustitia Socialis member tells Seras the directions to sector G and she knocks him out. She then proceeds to sector G the fastest way possible. Back with Nitsuj and Neo, the two were fighting their way through members of the Order of Iustitia Socialis. As the two fought side by side Nitsuj was impressed with how coordinated she was with her feet. She delivered excellent kicks to the face of her opponents, swept their legs, and even incorporated a little capoeira into her movements. It almost looked like a dance of grace and beauty*

(Nitsuj): Sweet moves there Neo.

(Neo): *Blushing slightly* Thank you senpai!

(Nitsuj): There’s no need to call me senpai. Nitsuj is fine. It makes me happy when cute girls call out my name.

*Neo’s face turns bright red and she covers her face. This leaves her defenseless as a member sneaks up behind her and is about bash her with a nightstick. Luckily, Nitsuj intercepts the attack and takes out the man with the nightstick for her*

(Nitsuj): Don’t let your guard down. We’re still deep in enemy territory.

(Neo): Right!

*Neo couldn’t help but be amazed at how Nitsuj was quick to come to her aid, defend himself, and counterattack in just seconds. They manage to take down the members and be on their way*

(Nitsuj): That’s all of them, let’s move on.

(Neo): You are just like what Master Kenji described you as and more.

(Nitsuj): Really? Kenji talks about me? What does he say, does he consider me a genius?

(Neo): He considers you a spoiled brat who couldn’t last a day in the forest.

(Nitsuj): What! I am not spoiled. I just don’t do camping. Excuse me for enjoying the comforts of indoor plumbing.

(Neo): *Chuckles* But he also says you are a good person who cares about those around him and a good fighter as well.

(Nitsuj): This is nothing. If I had my swords we’d be out of here in no time.

(Neo): Ahh~ the twin sword dark style. Kenji told me about the style he passed on to his two pupils. I’m curious what the other pupil is like.

(Nitsuj): He was a good friend, until he lost his way.

(Neo): Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.

(Nitsuj): It’s fine. It’s in the past now. You’re fighting style is pretty good too. A shield for defense and a spear for offense. What other weapons do you use?

(Neo): I only have 2 weapons. Is it possible to have a third one?

(Nitsuj): Of course. My AI girls all use three weapons.

(Neo): You have other AI girls? I’ve never interacted with other AIs before, so I’ve never been able to compare myself to others.

(Nitsuj): Oh I can’t wait to introduce you to the others they’ll love you. You guys will get along just fine.

(Seras): AHHHHHHHH~!

*Seras comes falling from the ceiling with her scythe aimed directly at Neo. Neo blocks the attack with her shield but Seras still tries to push through it. Neo’s shield begins to glow green*

(Neo): Impact shield!

*A powerful blast sends Seras flying into the wall with so much force that she leaves a small crater in the wall. Neo pulls out her spear while Nitsuj goes to check on Seras. When Nitsuj gets near Seras she gets back up with her scythe and charges at Neo. The two engage in combat with sparks flying as their weapons clash with one another. They both lose their handle on their weapons from the intensity of their clash and soon start fist fighting each other. While Neo was able to hold her own with Seras in melee weapons, she’s outclassed when it comes to hand to hand combat especially with someone as skilled as Seras. Seras is able to hit Neo in the face which dazes her, grabs her arm, and performs a judo toss all while maintaining control of the arm. With Neo on her back and Seras towering over her, Seras prepares to go in for a knockout punch but Nitsuj stops the attack*

(Nitsuj): Seras stop! She’s on our side. Kenji sent her here to save us.

*Seras lowers her fist and pulls Neo up*

(Seras): Sorry about that. I saw you holding a weapon and just assumed you were an enemy.

(Neo): It’s okay. Given where we are it’s only natural to assume. I would have done the same thing.

(Nitsuj): Seras this is Neo, Neo this is Seras. She’s an AI girl just like you.

*Neo’s face brightens up as she gets close to Seras to examine her*

(Seras): Personal space please.

(Neo): AH! I’m so sorry!

(Nitsuj): Go easy on her Seras, it’s her first time seeing another AI girl.

(Seras): She can examine me once we’re out of here. Wherever that is. This place is like a maze. I got lost two times getting here.

(Neo): I know the way out. This way, hurry.

*Neo leads the way as Nitsuj and Seras follow her. Neo leads them up some stairs to the entrance of the facility which is being guarded by gunmen*

(Seras): That’s a lot of bodies out there.

(Nitsuj): There’s too many to take down before reinforcements show up. We’ll have to make a beeline for the exit and ignore everyone else. Neo, can you do that shield impact move on the door to blast it open?

(Neo): Yes. However, I need to absorb more hits in order to blast through.

(Seras): No problem.

*Seras begins to punch the shield. After a couple of punches the shield begins to glow green*

(Neo): Okay, I’m ready.

(Nitsuj): Good. Neo will lead to blast open the door, I’ll be in the middle, and Seras will take up the rear to cover our backs. Once the door is blasted open we run like hell.

(Seras): Quite the heroic strategy.

(Nitsuj): Thanks, I think so too. Let’s go.

*Nitsuj, Seras, and Neo make their presence known to the gunmen. Following Nitsuj’s strategy, Neo leads the way hiding behind her shield. Seras deflects bullets from the side and rear with her scythe. When they get close to the door, Nitsuj pops out to take out the gunmen and clear the path for Neo. Neo reaches the door and performs her impact shield move to blast a hole through the door. Nitsuj and the others make a run for it. They make it outside to see the sun going down*

(Nitsuj): Freedom!

*Neo pulls out a flare gun and fires it off into the sky where it gets spotted by Kenji and the others*

(Kenji): Told you all we had to do was wait.

*Kenji and the others drive off to go pick up Nitsuj and the others who make it to the walkways of the street*

(Nitsuj): Taxi!

*Taxi car drives pass Nitsuj not even stopping*

(Nitsuj): It’s because of 1776 isn’t it?

*Kenji and the others pull up. Nitsuj and the others hop in and drive off*

(Nitsuj): Thanks for the pickup guys. Where are we heading?

(Kenji): To a safe spot where they won’t find you.

(Seras): Oh yeah Nitsuj, here’s your phone.

*Seras pulls Nitsuj’s phone out of her pocket where we see it’s been cracked and there’s a bullet lodged in the middle of it*

(Seras): It might be time for an upgrade.

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