The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 7

*Back in Cincinnati it was nighttime and Danny along with the rest of AIA were still hunting for Cole. It was beginning to rain lightly and everyone was wearing thermal googles to help them see better in the dark. Danny was in the van watching monitors*

(AIA Agent): We’ve been at this for hours chief. Don’t you think it’s time we packed it up and searched somewhere else?

(Danny): No, he’s out there and if he’s going to make a move he’ll make it now. With this rain and cold air it’s only a matter of time before we find him.

(AIA Agent #2): We’ve got movement in area 8.

*Danny rushes to the monitor*

(AIA Agent #2): Sorry, false alarm. Just a bunch of deer.

(Danny): Hold it. Rewind the video 10 seconds from now.

*The AIA agent rewinds the video which just shows the deer running*

(Danny): Give me 30 seconds.

*The AIA regent rewinds the video 30 seconds from now where it shows the deer eating some grass until they sense another animal and flee*

(Danny): They sensed movement coming from the south. Show me footage from the south.

*AIA Agent pulls up footage from a drone which catches the thermal temperature of a human running in the woods*

(Danny): Got him.

*Danny presses a button on his radio*

(Danny): All units converge on area 8!

*Danny puts on a jacket and heads out of the van to go by foot with a unit of agents*

(AIA Agent): This is unit Sakura! We have a visual on the target! Target is attempting to flee south towards the park! Pursuing target!

(Danny): Subdue the target! Use brute force if you have to!

*Agents from the Sakura unit open fire on Cole. The bullets are stun bullets so they won’t kill him. The bullets miss Cole as he uses the trees for cover. As he continues, he makes it towards the park where he gets ambushed by the Asta unit. The Asta unit charges at Cole with swords where Cole manages to dodge their attacks, disarms one of them, and picks up the sword for himself*

(Cole): This is gonna be fun.

*Cole goes on the attack slashing his way through the Asta unit until no one is left standing. The Sakura unit arrives and opens fire on Cole. He deflects the bullets with his sword*

(Cole): Dark sword style: Silent Night!

*In a fast movement Cole slashes his way through the Sakura unit and they all fall to the ground unconscious*

(Other Cole): That was impressive Cole.

(Cole): Thanks other Cole. Now you see why I was Kenji’s best student.

*Cole gets shoulder tackled from behind by a large man who looks to weigh at least 250 but was quite muscular and strong. The tackle sends him flying into a bench*

(???): You missed one punk.

(Cole): Ugh~. Well, well, well. If it isn’t CJ Miles, the Raging Bull himself. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?

(CJ): Danny called me up for backup. I heard you were after my boy Nitsuj. I came here to repay a favor.

*Cole gets back up and charges at CJ. CJ dodges Cole’s attack with grace and agility. CJ was quite agile for his height. He owed it largely to him playing football in high school and college. He would have made pro if not for a torn ACL that sidelined him. CJ was an avid fan of anime and after reading Nitsuj’s blogs his love for anime only grew. CJ reached out to Nitsuj and the two slowly became friends through email where Nitsuj wanting to help him out put in a good word with Danny about hiring CJ for the AIA. CJ was bought in to the academy where he excelled at physical combat and defense. Within months he was at video game and anime cons serving as security. CJ kept Cole busy enough that he failed to notice that Danny had arrived with his unit. Danny shoots Cole in the back which stuns him and CJ uses this opportunity to spike Cole down with an overhead hammer fist. Cole drops to the ground barely conscious. Cole goes to grab his sword but Danny shoots it away*

(Danny): It’s over Cole. Cuff him!

*As Danny’s unit goes to cuff Cole and pick him up, Cole manages to break free and charges at Danny, but he gets pistol whipped across the jaw*

(Cole): Fuck you Danny.

*Cole hits the ground and gets handcuffed. He gets dragged to the parking lot and put in the back of a car*

(Danny): Thanks for your help CJ. Couldn’t have done it without you.

(CJ): My pleasure.

*All of a sudden the car doors on the car holding Cole come flying off and Cole steps out with a black aura surrounding his body*

(Danny): Everybody! Run for cover!

*Cole unleashes a primal scream as everyone runs for cover. Danny, CJ, and a few others hide behind a car, park bench, or building for safety. The few that were not luck enough to find cover get blasted by Cole’s aura which unleashes the black fire and burns them. When Danny peeks up to get a view of the situation he sees that Cole is gone, the handcuffs are on the ground where they’re partially melted, and a few agents are on the ground writhing in pain*

(Danny): Get an ambulance here immediately! We need to put ice on these burns quickly!

*Everybody rushes to get ice to treat the agents that were burnt*

(CJ): What the hell was that?

(Danny): That was the Black Flame technique. A powerful technique that increases the more rage and hatred you have inside of you. Kenji told me about it awhile back when he was the leader of the Dark Syndicate. While the technique grants you amazing power it comes at a risk. The more you use it the more your mind and body slowly begin to fall apart.

(CJ): Damn. I didn’t know Cole could do that.

(Danny): He couldn’t. He must have learned it in jail.

*Danny gets a shocked look on his face*

(Danny): My God. That’s why his jail cell was filled up with Nitsuj stuff. He was training himself to hate Nitsuj and build up the technique.

(CJ): Then we got to stop him. If he gets his hands on Nitsuj there’s no telling what he’ll do.

(Danny): Not to worry. I’ve sent Nitsuj someplace far away. We now just have to worry about ourselves and how we’re gonna stop him.

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