(Reaper): Hello. Welcome to Project Nitsuj. I am Pandora Chaos Reaper, but you may call me Reaper. It’s been quite some time since we’ve last seen each other. I hope all of you are well. I am sorry to report that my master and the AI girls are away at the moment and will be […]
Tag Archives: Nitsuj
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 3
*After getting something to eat Cole pulls up to Nitsuj’s house. He sees a light on in one of the rooms on the second floor and gets out of the car* (Cole): Well this is interesting, no AIA agents. (Other Cole): Maybe your escape was that good that they still don’t know you’ve escaped. (Cole): […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 2
*After a layover in Washington D.C., Nitsuj and the others hop on another plane and arrive in London hours later* (Nitsuj): *Takes a deep breath* Ahh~ London. The Foggy Apple. (Yume): Really? That’s what they’re calling it. Not Londontown? (Nitsuj): Nope, Foggy Apple. Come on let’s get our bags. (Isis): Our bags? We travel light […]
The Otaku Who Knew Too Little Part 1
*On a road a police paddy wagon is carrying an inmate in the back* (Officer 1): Alright, just a couple of hours and we’ll be in Chicago. (Officer 2): Don’t see why they wanted us to transport just one guy to Chicago. (Officer 1): Apparently, he got moved down for good behavior. Although, given his […]
The Top 11 Worst Cons
Hello and welcome to the Otaku Mind. This is Justin and I hope everyone is having a good day. I’m in the middle getting set for my much-needed vacation, but I have time to write to you guys for a bit. In the far off year of 2019, cons were alive and bustling with people […]
Project #440.5: Summer Anime 2021 First Impressions
Hey guys, Nitsuj here, welcome to the side blog the blogs between the blogs. Well it’s the end of May which summer is officially here for us in west and summer vacation which means it’s time for First Impressions. That time of year where we take a look at the anime set to come out […]
Project #440: Kenja no Mago
Kenja no- Kenja naaaa~ *Takes a deep breath* Kenja- Nope! Can’t do it! Won’t do it! Fuck this anime! I quit! *Nitsuj gets up and goes to the kitchen where he prepares a drink of Kool-Aid mixed with whiskey when all of sudden his phone rings* (Nitsuj): Hello? (???): Nitsuj, what the hell are you […]
Project #439: Isekai Cheat Magician
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Well I’m a little on edge this week so what say we go easy on me. What anime am I reviewing next? *Isekai Cheat Magician* Why God! Damn it! I said go easy on me! Isekai Cheat Magician is another one of those animes that many people say is […]
Project #438: The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar
Hello and welcome to Project Nitsuj. Welcome to the second week of my personal Hell aka the Worst Isekai arc. This week we’re taking a look at The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar. Based off the light novel written by Seiichi Takayama in 2013 and still continuing to this day. In 2018 it […]
Raika Sharara: The Ranger of Lightning
*Out in the clearing of a forest with red leaf trees, just miles outside of a nearby village in the kingdom of Brister, thirteen poachers are loading up a bunch of foxes into their trucks. The foxes were part of an animal protection program in the area and were worth a fortune. One fox that […]