Nitsujcember Part 32: Sword Art Online (SAO)

It’s the review you’ve all been wanting me to re-take a look at, SAO. Yeah when this anime first came out it was the talk of the town. Everybody loved it, praised it, called it the best anime of all time but now everyone hates on it but is it really deserving of so much […]

Nitsujcember Part 31: The Flashpoint Paradox

When I first released this review it was one of my lowest ranking reviews at the time. I couldn’t figure out why everyone didn’t like it but as time went on it started warming up to people. I guess it’s because I was doing a comic book movie and from my personal experience people in […]

Nitsujcember Part 30: Pokémon Origins

This was an anime I knew I had to review when I found out about it. It was the anime we always wanted to see but thought that we would never get. This review was a rare exception to the 2-month rule I established when I first started writing reviews. It’s the same story we’ve […]

Nitsujcember Part 29: Hell Girl

Boy was this an anime I was nervous going into. Like I said in my review Hell Girl is one of my favorite animes out there. It’s not in my top 10 or top 11 but it’s definitely on the list of animes that I consider one of my favorites. So as you can imagine […]

Nitsujcember Part 27: Highschool of the Dead

H.O.T.D is one of the animes that I wanted to review ever since I started Project Nitsuj and when Aniween came around I felt it was the perfect time to tackle this series which set a new standard for fanservice as well as help anime get into the zombie genre. The series focuses on a […]

Nitsujcember Part 26: Rosario + Vampire

Welcome to the month of Aniween. Going into October I wanted to make the month special and memorable for everyone so I figured why not review animes with a horror theme. That was a good start but also wanted to make sure I got a laugh out of everyone so I thought how about at […]

Nitsujcember Part 25: Magi: The Labyrinth of magic

Magi is definitely one of the most creative mangas I’ve seen in recent years. The whole series is based off of 1001 Nights and the characters are characters from the actual place in this alternate dimension where there are labyrinths of magic all over the world and those who manage to conquer the labyrinth will […]

Nitsujcember Part 24: Jing: The King of Bandits

Jing was a test run for Isis. This was the first review I did where Nitsuj wasn’t a part of and the reason for that was I wanted to test out Isis. I wanted her to be more than just Nitsuj’s assistant but rather an intelligent being who could work off of Nitsuj and vice-versa. […]

Nitsujcember Part 23: The Ikkitousen Series

I hate this series. There’s just no other way around it. Ikkitousen to this day remains to be some of my best reviews and rightfully so as you can just tell I’m having a blast writing this blog and watching this piece of crap anime but you’re probably wondering what possessed me to torture myself […]