Nitsujcember Part 22: R-15

After watching a disappointing fanservice anime I decided I wanted to show everyone what a good fanservice anime is. Enter R-15 a series about a young boy named Taketo a student at a high school for geniuses where we see he’s a genius at writing erotic novels which of course everyone finds disgusting and all […]

Nitsujcember Part 21: Senran Kagura

Looking back, Senran Kagura isn’t exactly one of my best reviews although I do consider it to be one of my funniest as the jokes and comments I came up with throughout the review do get a laugh out of people and even me. It’s always good to give yourself self-praise. Based off the 3-D […]

Nitsujcember Part 20: Baka and Test

Baka and Test is one of those animes that just came and went and for life of me I have no idea how or why this series dried up. When this anime came out it caught fire really quickly. Everybody liked it for its comedic writing, fun characters, and interesting concept. The anime follows a […]

Nitsujcember Part 18: One Piece Film Z

As you all know I’m a huge fan of One Piece so it only makes sense that I would look at one of their movies. Since Film Z was the latest One Piece it only made sense to look at that movie. In the movie the Marines are at war with the Neo Marines a […]

Nitsujcember Part 17: Howl’s Moving Castle

It’s my first look at the work of Hayao Miyazaki hands one of the greatest directors of all time. When deciding which one of his movies to review first I wanted to look at the one that everyone considers to be his worst movie. I like to think that for every great director out there’s […]

Nitsujcember Part 16: Mahou Sensei Negima

The first review of an anime I truly hated and it’s ironic because I really do like this series. The manga version of the series, the anime not so much. So the premise of this series is that Negi a 10 year old kid from England who is really a mage goes to Japan to […]

Nitsujcember Part 15: The Idolm@ster

The Idolm@ster was a series I’ve been a longtime fan of. I discovered the series by reading one of the many mangas based off the series and just instantly liked it. This series is based off a game where you take on the role of producer working for this small music company. Here, you are […]

Nitsujcember Part 14: Love Live! School Idol Project

Man this series caught fire fast in Japan and it’s slowly building momentum here in the states. Based off the popular mobile app Love Live was a series I never really got into. The idea is creative, creating an idol group created by the fans for the fans is a cool concept but as far […]

Nitsujcember Part 13: AKB0048

The idol arc was kind of my first step in bringing Project Nitsuj to the next level. Around this time I started to view the blogs as a light novel or manga. I was bringing people into my world and letting them visualize what I was seeing and saying so I figured all great stories […]